Skinny Songs

Skinny Songs: Tune in. Tone up. Trim down. Freshen-up your workout, rev-up your energy and prepare to have some fun! If you’re anything like me you have an extensive arsenal (that is twenty or thirty CDs deep) to assist with losing extra pounds, keeping yourself motivated and making progress towards the healthiest you possible; this is a nice addition to your reserve of “weapons.” Anything that makes the whole process more enjoyable, lighter—easier—is a must-have. Selections like
Skinny Jeans and
Use it to Lose it pump out the rhythmic beats that make you want to pull-up some extra floor space and get going! This mixture of Country, R&B and Rock and Roll creations, delivered by a talented group of vocalists, is worth a listen.
Sure the lyrics are slightly superficial (we’re talking about fat here—and tummies and jiggly arms…), but if your goal is to fit back into your favorite jeans or to feel lighter and healthier this CD could certainly help. I was prepared to find it corny and of little value, but I was pleasantly surprised; its value is in its energy-pumping rhythms and this goes a long way to facilitate a beneficial workout. Grab your hand weights and give it a try!
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