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Menopause Ranch

Author: Deborah Vaughn

Reviewed By: Melinda Cianos

Menopause Ranch &Raquo; 74 Bbook Photo

One does not visit this place by choice. Women worldwide will be deposited at its gates kicking, screaming and fighting it all the way, or with wonder and acceptance. We enter our menopausal years timidly, oftentimes scared and very rarely ready. Why is that? Author Deborah Vaughn expects that by taking the reader on a fictional trip through mythology and histories of countries and religions that we will approach some understanding about the origins of our perspectives on Midlife and Menopause.

Through the centuries our roles have been carefully etched out, engraved in our hearts and minds, and unfortunately prohibit us from looking at this pivotal time in our lives with anything other than dread; it doesn’t have to be that way. The first step towards a fresh perspective is understanding and Education.

Honestly, for me, the idea of visiting a place called Menopause Ranch seems downright torturous, but by the time I finished Vaughn’s creative novel, I found myself wishing there was such a place. The women who visit are wrapped-in and clothed with the very essence of who they are; warmly supported in the move to embrace their uniqueness. Menopause Ranch is a place of rest, a place of peace, a place that provides a banquet of love and deep understanding.

Originally Published on

Anne Holmes Boomer-in-Chief of NABBW


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