Wednesday - March 26th, 2025
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That’s a Good Question

      I haven’t offered a round-up of blogs in quite a while, so I hope everyone will look around and check these out. They are among the best that Baby Boomers have to offer. And right now, our Baby Boomers are asking a lot of questions.

     What are you doing for Easter? Rita R. Robison, personal Finance journalist, points out that 80% of us celebrate Easter in one way or another, and we will spend an average of $180. Total spending for the holiday is estimated at 20.8 billion, which sounds like a lot but is actually down slightly from last year’s $21.6 billion. (We celebrated Easter with family on Saturday, and we spent less than $180.) For a look at a full survey about the holiday, hop on over to Facts and Figures on Easter 2022

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     Have you ever reached a certain age and then can’t believe you’re actually there? So asks Laurie Stone, who says that sometimes it seems like yesterday when we’re young and dewy-eyed, and then in no time at all we’re in the seventh-inning stretch. (This happens to me pretty much every day!) Still, sometimes knowledge comes later in life, and so Stone offers her little specks of Wisdom that she wouldn’t trade for anything in 6 Amazing Things We Learn in Our 60s.

     Do you love yourself enough? This week Rebecca Olkowski with interviewed intuitive life coach Nicola Fernandes. The coach uses energy healing, shamanistic journeys and other techniques to help people connect with the love they have for themselves and to ultimately create a whole different person. If you’re interested, dive into Nicola Fernandes: Life Coach and Shaman Interview on Self Love.

     Does your confidence ever need a lift? Sometimes, says Jennifer of Untold and Begin, we need something to help us get back on track, and so she offers 25 Affirmations to Motivate You. Try some out and see if they make you feel better (I especially like Numbers 8, 9, 19 and 22.)

     What makes a good story-teller? Diane Tolley from The Alberta/Montana Border recalls that her dad was a great story-teller, so great that he often got to the punchline before his listeners realized he’d been telling them a “big windy” the whole time. He also loved to rhyme and often quoted poetry on long drives both to keep himself awake and to entertain the six kids. In Gone: Another Daddy Story Tolley recounts one of his favorites. “I put it to rhyme in his name,” she writes. “Thank you Daddy!” 

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     If you’re planning to Travel, why not use a travel agent? A friend recently confronted Carol Cassara about why she doesn’t plan her own travel, given the wealth of online resources. In Why Do You Use a Travel Agent? she explains how she doesn’t want to spend hours poring over travel websites, and instead uses a professional whose job it is to find the best experience for the best price.

     Now that the weather is getting warmer, are you throwing open your windows and beckoning the outside world into your home? Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin sure is (and this is something I heartily endorse — turn off the a/c, open the windows, breathe in the fresh air and save the planet!) She reports that as The Sounds of Spring reach our ears — some piercing but mostly pleasant — they bring smiles to our faces and welcome in the spring season and the joyous holidays. Happy Passover! Happy Easter!

Tom Lashnits Writer, Blogger
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Tom Lashnits


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