Do You Love Your Body?Does your body know it?It might sound ridiculous to think your body needs your love. But it does.How many of us treat our bodies like garbage dumps? We criticize them…
Do You Love Your Bod…
Do You Love Your Body?Does your body know it?It might sound ridiculous to think your body needs your love. But it does.How many of us treat our bodies like garbage dumps? We criticize them in the mirror, avoid our own eyes, push them too hard, neglect their needs, and then act shocked when they break down. We talk about our bodies like they’re the enemy—my body is betraying me. No, it’s not.From the moment we’re born, we have a body that—more often than not—works just fine. Then, we systematically destroy it. We eat junk. We sit too much. We binge on caffeine, alco…