You Are Love
You are woven from the hush of dreams,
stitched in flame and stardust,
the breath of the wind, the whisper of time,
a ripple across the boundless unknown.
You were summoned here, called forth—
not by accident, not by chance,
but by the spark of the infinite,
fired by the love of countless souls
whose echoes carved your name in the dark.
The odds of you?
Astronomical. Impossible.
And yet, here you stand.
You belong.
Not because the world deems it so,
not because time allowed it,
but because love willed it.
and you—woven of light,
held together by the unseen,
are love itself.
Originally Published on
Paula D. Tozer is the author of three books - Saving Your Own Life: Learning to Live Like You Are Dying; An Elegant Mind's Handbook, and Enchanting Treve, a Novel. She is also an actor, singer/songwriter, Creativity Coach, competitive speaker, and leader with Toastmasters, as well as an avid cyclist, hiker, gym rat, and critter lover. The vast majority of her accomplishments have been achieved after the age of 50, demonstrating that It is never too late to be what you truly could have been...
Paula believes that living fiercely at any age is the way to optimize our time on this side of the grass. She has taken up the mission to inspire and motivate her contemporaries with what she has found that has allowed her to age with elegance, vitality, and most of all, good humor!