Medicare Advantage Plans / By MedicareMisty
A Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan, otherwise known as MA-PD, is one way to get prescription drug coverage under Medicare. Medicare Advantage Plans are additions to Original Medicare Parts A and B. They offer bonuses, like vision, dental, and hearing coverage. Some, like MA-PDs, even offer drug coverage. Keep reading to learn more about MA-PDs.
As stated above, a Medicare Advantage Plan is an addition to Original Medicare. It is a type of plan offered by private insurance companies that includes extra coverage options, one of which is a drug plan. Not all Medicare Advantage Plans offer prescription drug coverage. The MA-PD can be a specific plan that only addresses drug coverage or a part of a larger Medicare Advantage Plan. Typically, an MA-PD can be a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Private-Fee-for-Service (PFFS), etc.
The cost and coverage details depend on the company and the plan. In order to enroll in any Medicare Advantage Plan, you must first be enrolled in both Parts A and B of Original Medicare.
There are multiple ways to get prescription drug coverage under Medicare. The two main ways are enrolling in Part D of Original Medicare or enrolling in a Medicare Advantage Plan that has drug coverage, like a MA-PD. The exact specifics of a MA-PD depend on the plan, which we discuss in more depth below. Medicare Part D covers many common prescriptions, but could be less comprehensive than the Medicare Advantage Plan depending on the plan.
Some people do not need Medicare prescription drug coverage at all. These people typically already have drug coverage. People who have the following plans do not need Medicare prescription drug coverage:
Federal Employee Health Benefits Program
Veterans’ Benefits
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Indian Health Services
These plans typically have comprehensive drug coverage and do not require additional prescription drug coverage.
Medicare Advantage Plans are another option to secure prescription drug coverage in Medicare. Prescription drug coverage can be included in larger Medicare Advantage Plans or be a specific MA-PD. Prescription drug coverage can also be purchased in Part D of Original Medicare. Some people also have prescription drug coverage in their concurrent health insurance plans. Contact us at 423-240-0794 to understand your prescription drug coverage.