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May 2022 Leadership Development Carnival

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Leadership Development Carnival Graphic

Welcome to your one-stop leadership development insight center! This month, 33 thought leaders and authors have come together to offer this rich collection of perspectives, approaches, strategies, and tools to enhance your leadership effectiveness. These articles are a lot like Lay’s potato chips. I’ll bet you can’t read just one. Until next month, keep learning and leading well!

May 2022 Leadership Development Carnival &Raquo; Jwg Signature


Confidently HumbleBill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting

Any person in a leadership position needs to have and demonstrate confidence. But the best leaders also have a value that is less talked about in the world of leadership, and that is humility. Connect with Bill on Twitter @btreasurer.

Why Is Everything An Emergency?Frank Sonnenberg

Do you ever wake up thinking your day will turn out one way, and it ends up being completely different? Why is everything an emergency? Connect with Frank on Twitter @FSonnenberg.

Mentoring Conversations: How to be Remarkably Helpful with Limited TimeKarin Hurt of Let’s Grow Leaders

It’s amazing what can happen when a mentor asks you courageous questions that make you think differently or help you to reframe problems. A great mentoring conversation can be just what you need to view yourself, your capabilities, or your career in new ways. Connect with Karin on Twitter @letsgrowleaders.

Culture Leadership Charge: Define and Align to Servant PurposeChris Edmonds of The Purposeful Culture Group

A servant purpose describes how or what your company does and how it improves the quality of life for employees, customers, and the communities served. Essentially, your servant purpose is your company’s present-day reason for being—other than making a profit. Connect with Chris on Twitter @scedmonds.

High ROI Leadership: Schedule the FinishDavid Dye of Let’s Grow Leaders

You’ve got more to do than time to do it. Your plan is going to get interrupted, and your interruptions are going to get interrupted. If you don’t have an intentional, focused way to finish what you start, it won’t happen. Effective leaders consistently achieve meaningful results and build a healthy culture–but they don’t leave it to chance or a heroic act of willpower. They schedule the finish. Connect with David on Twitter @davidmdye.

6 Steps for Choosing Leadership Training Content and 7 Recommended FrameworksMary Ila Ward of Horizon Point Consulting

Any good training frames learning around well-researched models or theories. And there are a lot of models and theories out there! How you sort through them all and determine what to use can sometimes be difficult. Connect with Mary on Twitter @maryilaward.

The KISS Model of Leadership Development –  Jennifer V. Miller of People Equation

When you are overwhelmed with the formal “to do’s” of developing your team’s leadership skills, go back to the basics: keep it simple. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter @JenniferVMiller.

Quarterly Review: Review. Reframe. Realign. Rekindle. – Jon Verbeck

Things constantly change, and we are facing new challenges already this year. Inflation. Interest rate increases. Global conflict impacts. Supply chain issues. Attracting and retaining talented staff. There’s likely something going on in your company that isn’t coming together in quite the way you expected. (If that’s not the case, keep up the good work!) For many, a quarterly review provides the opportunity to discern what needs to change to get back on track. Connect with Jon on Twitter @jonverbeck1.

Not Ready, Yet – Angela Hummel of Angela Hummel Consulting

Organizational leaders should not underestimate the necessity for newly promoted managers to have the support required to be successful in their roles, while emphasizing positive workplaces and high-performing teams to drive business results. New manager support should be ranked as high or higher than the need to fill the role itself. Connect with Angela on Twitter @AngelaJHummel.

Being a Supportive Leader – Ken Byler of Higher Ground Consulting Group

Supportive leadership is often in short supply. It’s so much easier for leaders to callously tear down a direct report or embarrass a colleague in public. Connect with Ken on LinkedIn.

Top 11 Attributes of Exceptional Leaders and Communicators – David Grossman

Through our quantitative research of more than 750,000 leaders and employees inside some of the world’s leading organizations, and in the many focus groups we conduct every year, we’ve identified these 11 attributes of great leaders that matter most to employees today. Connect with David on Twitter @ThoughtPartner.

Leadership Caffeine™—Good Managers Observe The Characters, Not Just the Action – Art Petty

The best managers are devoted students of the art of character study—not out of some desire to play armchair psychologist, but rather out of the desire to help. These managers are keen observers of how people perform and conduct themselves across a range of situations. Connect with Art on Twitter @artpetty.



A Stay Interview Reminder  – Beverly Kaye

When my co-author and I began studying retention and engagement in organizations (for what became Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em) over twenty years ago, we were truly shocked by a simple discovery. Managers were asking the key question “what can I do to keep you?” when an employee tendered their resignation letter. For us, it was like being struck by a thunderbolt. Why not ask that very question sooner and often. And if the question itself doesn’t feel comfortable….put it into your own words…whatever is comfortable. The objective, no matter how you ask it, is the same. Connect with Beverly on Twitter @BeverlyLKaye.

The Great CommitmentPriscilla Archangel of Archangel & Associates

Over the past two years we’ve been hearing a lot about The Great Resignation, or as some would call it, The Great Reassessment. This is a trend that reflects the record number of people who are switching jobs, revaluating their work roles, and reprioritizing their lives. But once employees decide to accept a position at another company, it’s time to make The Great Commitment. Learn why this is important. Connect with Priscilla on Twitter @PrisArchangel.

Why Virtues Need to Replace Values in Leadership and Citizenship – Jon Mertz of Thin Difference

We have become values-centered in our actions and policies, and it is tearing us apart. Values are personal or based on an outcome important to an individual. Virtues are behaviors focused on taking action for a societal benefit, not a personal one. We need to shift to virtues in how we live and lead. Connect with Jon on Twitter @thindifference.

How Savvy Leaders Can Surf the Turnover Tsunami – Jon Lokhorst of Lokhorst Consulting

What can you do as a leader to avoid falling into the sea of bad bosses driving good employees away? There’s a host of essential practices that’ll help you become more effective as a leader, but there’s one simple action that encompasses many of those practices and increases your likelihood of success. It’s also the best method of reducing turnover and retaining your best people amid the talent-related challenges of this era: the one-on-one check-in meeting. Connect with Jon on Twitter @jonlokhorst.

Listen to Employees’ Questions to Stop Their Exits – Paula Kiger of Big Green Pen

An employee’s experience can be made or broken depending on how their questions are handled. In this post, a producer with around 25 years of experience regarding why she has stayed at Pixar, and a former Netflix employee who ended up leaving when his efforts to make a lateral transfer were met with indifference. Connect with Paula on Twitter at @biggreenpen.

Managers in the Middle: The Great Disconnect Between Managers and HR – Laura Schroeder of Working Girl

Managers face unique challenges that put them at heightened risk of Burnout. Left unattended, companies risk alienating this critical and expensive to replace talent segment. Connect with Laura on Twitter @workgal.

Increasing Engagement – How to Get People to Open UpKen Downer of Rapid Start Leadership

When it comes to increasing engagement on our teams, sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, as this short story demonstrates; here’s how we can do better. Connect with Ken on Twitter @RapidStartLdr.



How to Keep Going When You Can’t Keep Going AnymoreLisa Kohn of Chatsworth Consulting

In the post, find five practices that can help you (or whomever you’re helping) make it through tough times. Connect with Lisa on Twitter @ThoughtfulLdrs.

There Are 3 Levels of Team Buy-In… Which Behaviors Define Your Workplace Culture? – Sean Glaze of Great Results Team Building

ALL organizational progress and Growth depend on individuals making a commitment to progress and growth.
The issue is that not all people in your organization see change as a good thing.
So how can leaders and managers move people across that spectrum of willingness and increase the level of team buy-in that they need for a successful workplace culture change?
Connect with Sean on Twitter @leadyourteam.

The Montgomery Meigs LessonWally Bock of Three Star Leadership

Montgomery Meigs made sure the Union Army had what it needed to fight. You can thank him for standard clothing sizes. Every organization needs a stubborn realist. Connect with Wally on Twitter @WallyBock.



Hands Down. Hands Win.Eileen McDargh

Research shows adults are more likely to be engaged and understand complex topics when gestures are used! For years, I have anchored key learning points with gestures. I ask my audience to make the gestures with me while they repeat the point. Connect with Eileen on Twitter @macdarling.

Grading Will Smith’s Apology to Chris RockRandy Conley of Leading with Trust

By now, most people have heard about the “slap heard around the world,” aka, Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the recent Academy Awards ceremony. Will Smith apologized for his actions, but was it sincere? Did he express remorse? In this article, Randy Conley dissects Smith’s apology and assigns it a letter grade. How did he score? Connect with Randy on Twitter @RandyConley.

Active Listening: A Leadership Superpower – Diana Peterson-More

In 1956 when Dr. Carl R. Rogers and a fellow psychiatrist coined the phrase “active listening,” were they prescient? Did they know that 65 years later the skill would be needed more than ever? Did they have a crystal ball, enabling them to see how communication – the basis of all human interaction – would be hampered by our inability to truly listen and understand one another? What is active listening? And, more importantly, how do we do it. Connect with Diana on Twitter @DianaPMAuthor.

“Listen to What Is Not Said”Brenda Yoho of Be the Solution Daily

We do not know the problems people face or the thoughts they have, but we do know we can choose to “listen” to the signs, the little things, and to know we can make a difference. It takes one choice, one word, one smile, one action, and one person to change the direction. Connect with Brenda on Twitter @BrendaYoho.

Three Easy Steps for Maintaining Psychological Safety– Marcia Reynolds of Covisioning Transformational Leadership

For a conversation to be transformational, there must be psychological safety. Practice these steps to quickly make others feel safe with you. Connect with Marcia on Twitter @marciareynolds.

When the Sh*t Hit the Fan, I Always Knew What To DoSteve DiGioia

I was never rattled by an upset customer. Never hesitated to speak with them, never cowered in fear, and never pushed them off to a coworker. I looked forward to the opportunity to “make things right”. When the sh*t hit the fan, I always knew what to do. How can that be? Am I crazy and want to get into an argument with an angry customer? Of course not. Am I a glutton for punishment and need confrontation? Heck no. Am I just plain stupid? I hope not…What I am is prepared. Connect with Steve on Twitter @stevedigioia.

12 Behaviors That Leaders Should Avoid – John Stoker of DialogueWORKS

A potential client asked me to identify a number of behaviors that leaders should never engage in. I asked if it wouldn’t be better to identify the behaviors that would improve a person’s leadership. Unfortunately, they insisted that I provide them with a negative list.  Connect with John on Twitter @JohnRStoker.


And More

A Guide to Allyship: The Authenticity Paradox and How to Help Women in the Workplace Move Past It – Dana Theus of InPower Coaching

In framing a guide to allyship, we have to recognize that women come into the workforce learning that the best way to succeed rarely means “being your authentic self.” And yet, women are often advised (including by me!) that being authentic, for example, not trying to act like a man, is the best way for them to succeed. I call this on-the-surface-contradiction in success tactics The Authenticity Paradox. Connect with Dana on Twitter @DanaTheus.

The Five Levels of Teams: Where Are You on the Team Performance Curve?Jim Taggart of Changing Winds

Transformational change: what can you do? Learn from Jan Rotmans, professor of transition science to see the crisis as an opportunity. See how you make a difference as an individual and understand that you need patience for the S-curve of transitions. Connect with Jim on Twitter @JlcTaggart.

Transformational Change: What Can You Do?Marcella Bremer of Positive Culture

Transformational change: what can you do? Learn from Jan Rotmans, professor of transition science to see the crisis as an opportunity. See how you make a difference as an individual and understand that you need patience for the S-curve of transitions. Connect with Marcella on Twitter @MarcellaBremer.

CONtent Marketing – or conTENT Marketing? – Beth Beutler

Marketing, by nature, is not something based on contentment. Rather, it is used to help a company grow. The very definition via Google is “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.” So what does contentment have to do with it? Connect with Beth on Twitter @bethbeutler.

Leading People Who Are Smarter Than YouNeal Burgis of Successful Solutions

Some leaders don’t want to be out-shined by their new employees. Hiring people smarter than you is the best way to build the strength of your company. You shouldn’t be the smartest person in the room- but you should be hiring the smartest people in the room. Connect with Neal on Twitter @exec_solutions.

Impact of Cultural Differences on Innovation – Braden Kelley (Guest Post from Jesse Nieminen)

The effects of cultural differences on Innovation are an interesting and extremely multifaceted topic. For most of us, it probably goes without saying that cross-cultural and multicultural capabilities are crucial in today’s globalized and hyperconnected world, and innovation is no exception. These capabilities are especially important if you’re working on it in a large international organization, as many of our customers are. Connect Braden on Twitter @innovate.


Photos by Leon on Unsplash, Thought Catalog on Unsplash, Christina Morillo from Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels, Fauxels from Pexels, Christina Morillo from Pexels, Rodeo Project Management Software on Unsplash.

The post May 2022 Leadership Development Carnival appeared first on Julie Winkle Giulioni.

Julie Winkle Giulioni Author, Speaker and Consultant

Julie Winkle Giulioni is a champion for workplace growth and development and helps executives and leaders optimize talent and potential within their organizations. One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 speakers, she’s the author of Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive and the co-author of the international bestseller, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want, translated into seven languages.

Julie is a regular columnist for Training Industry Magazine and SmartBrief and contributes articles on leadership, career development, and workplace trends to numerous publications including The Economist.


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