Thursday - March 20th, 2025
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Pros and Cons of Marrying Later in Life

As we are living longer and staying healthier into our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, the question arises about the merits of marrying later in life, or re-marrying in our senior years. As reported in Time magazine, older adults are pairing up in unprecedented numbers, and in ways that are not traditional. Here are some benefits: […]

The post Pros and Cons of Marrying Later in Life appeared first on Living to 100 Club.

Dr. Joseph Casciani has a 35-year history in aging as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices. He was awarded the first contracts from the California Department of Aging in 1982 to develop mental health training for the state’s nursing homes. For 16 years, he was the clinical lead for a multi-state group practice for patients in nursing homes. He later ran his own multi-state company, Concept Healthcare, for 8 years.

In 2018, he extended his professional interest in aging to his new venture, the Living to 100 Club. The website, www.Livingto100.Club, offers a collection of strategies and resources on successful aging, and his weekly podcasts on aging and longevity continue in this tradition with guests who share their professional insights about aging well and making the most of our senior years. He is now a clinical consultant, public speaker, provides one-on-one counseling, and sells a package of life enriching resources to retirement communities and senior organizations.


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