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Jeremy Reif CRPS®

Just like the majority of you, family is where it matters most. For me, it all started when I was young. Like many, my parents played a large role in who I am today. I was fortunate enough to have a family that tried to teach me about the world of finances. This is where I feel that the public school systems tend to fail our society; rather than make mistakes with money and try to learn from the mistakes, I was able to avoid them. I was and still am enamored with finances and economics. Maybe it is a Midwest type of thing, as I am passionate about helping others succeed with their own finances. I hope you find my articles and videos as helpful as my clients have.

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Navigating Frequent Job Changes: Multiple 401(K)S &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1
Navigating Frequent Job Changes: Multiple 401(k)s

What to Do With Multiple 401ks After a Job Change By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Gone are the days when Americans would stay in the same job for the majority of their working lives. The recent trend is to tran…

What to Do With Mult…

What to Do With Multiple 401ks After a Job Change By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Gone are the days when Americans would stay in the same job for the majority of their working lives. The recent trend is to transition from job to job at an alarming rate. Americans change jobs an average of 12 times […]

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Will Taxes Go Up In The Future? &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1
Will Taxes Go Up In The Future?

Exploring the Benefits of Roth IRA Contributions for Tax Efficiency: Will Taxes Go Up? by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Dealing with Retirement can be tricky. Will Taxes Go Up In The Future? Do you plan for the …

Exploring the Benefi…

Exploring the Benefits of Roth IRA Contributions for Tax Efficiency: Will Taxes Go Up? by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Dealing with Retirement can be tricky. Will Taxes Go Up In The Future? Do you plan for the here and now and everything that goes with it or do you plan for the future and try to […]

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Building Wealth Might Be Simpler Than You Think &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1
Building Wealth Might Be Simpler Than You Think

Discover the Basic Steps to Increase Your Financial Security by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS Building wealth involves a whole lot more than just a get-rich-quick scheme or a hefty dose of good luck when chasing…

Discover the Basic S…

Discover the Basic Steps to Increase Your Financial Security by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS Building wealth involves a whole lot more than just a get-rich-quick scheme or a hefty dose of good luck when chasing trends in the stock market. More often than not, it comes down to making the right financial decisions, big and small, […]

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Navigating Financial Transitions After The Loss Of A Spouse &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1
Navigating Financial Transitions After the Loss of a Spouse

Managing Finances in the Wake of a Spouse’s Death A financial advisor is incredibly valuable when it comes to handling your everyday money concerns and helping you plan for your future. But at the s…

Managing Finances in…

Managing Finances in the Wake of a Spouse’s Death A financial advisor is incredibly valuable when it comes to handling your everyday money concerns and helping you plan for your future. But at the same time, there are milestone life events that can dramatically alter your financial situation. I was recently asked about how death […]

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Are Healthcare Costs Holding You Back From Retiring? &Raquo; Shutterstock 571717204 300X200 1
Are Healthcare Costs Holding You Back From Retiring?

  Healthcare Insurance Premiums Healthcare Costs and Retirement By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you confident in your Retirement savings amount, ready to take the step into Retirement, or have health issues…

  Healthcare Insura…

  Healthcare Insurance Premiums Healthcare Costs and Retirement By Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you confident in your Retirement savings amount, ready to take the step into Retirement, or have health issues leading you to consider Retirement? Whatever your reason for wanting to retire early, many people in this situation stay in the workforce longer than they’d like for one major reason: healthcare. Medicare doesn’t kick in until age 65, and Cobra only covers 18 months after leaving a job, so if you are 55, 60, or 62, how can you afford health insurance premiums if you aren’t working? There is…

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Stock Market Behavior In Election Years: Understanding Trends And Impacts &Raquo; Investing During Election Years 300X200 1
Stock Market Behavior in Election Years: Understanding Trends and Impacts

How to invest during an election year? Post-Election Market Trends: Analyzing the Rally Phenomenon by Jeremy Reif, CRPS One of the most frequently asked questions during an election year is, How shoul…

How to invest during…

How to invest during an election year? Post-Election Market Trends: Analyzing the Rally Phenomenon by Jeremy Reif, CRPS One of the most frequently asked questions during an election year is, How should you invest during an election year?  History tends to repeat itself, so the best answer is to research what has happened in previous election years.  Markets during election years can exhibit a variety of behaviors, influenced by uncertainties and expectations related to the potential policy changes that might come with a new administration. Here are a few general trends and considerations:V…

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5 Essential Social Security Insights For Divorced Individuals &Raquo; Divorce And Social Security 300X200 1
5 Essential Social Security Insights for Divorced Individuals

Divorce and Social Security 5 Social Security Tips Divorcees Should Know By Jeremy Reif, CRPS®, Financial Advisor and Owner of Point Wealth Management As wonderful as marriage can be, there’s no de…

Divorce and Social S…

Divorce and Social Security 5 Social Security Tips Divorcees Should Know By Jeremy Reif, CRPS®, Financial Advisor and Owner of Point Wealth Management As wonderful as marriage can be, there’s no denying the fact that around 50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce.[1] Your life may change drastically after a divorce, but one thing many people don’t realize is that divorce can also affect your Social Security and Retirement outlook. In general, the longer you were married holds more weight in the government’s eyes, with ten years being the magic number. So if you were married…

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3 Ways To Live Well In Retirement &Raquo; Living Well In Retirement 300X201 1
3 Ways To Live Well In Retirement

Living The Dream Thriving in Your Golden Years: 3 Essential Strategies By Jeremy Reif, CRPS®, Financial Advisor and Owner of Point Wealth Management We work so hard to get to that incredible retireme…

Living The Dream Thr…

Living The Dream Thriving in Your Golden Years: 3 Essential Strategies By Jeremy Reif, CRPS®, Financial Advisor and Owner of Point Wealth Management We work so hard to get to that incredible Retirement milestone we have dreamed about for years. But once we get there, then what? There’s no doubt it’s important to plan for the financial aspect of Retirement, but we can’t stop there. If you want your Retirement to live up to your dreams, you need to plan for what happens when you actually cross the Retirement finish line. Here are some ways to help you live well in Retirement, whatever tha…

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5 Financial Phases Of Life In Retirement &Raquo; Retirement Stages Of Life 300X100 1
5 Financial Phases Of Life In Retirement

Navigating the Five Financial Phases of Retirement By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS When we’re in our working years, we think of Retirement as this vague future event. We plan for Retirement, save for retireme…

Navigating the Five …

Navigating the Five Financial Phases of Retirement By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS When we’re in our working years, we think of Retirement as this vague future event. We plan for Retirement, save for Retirement, and dream of Retirement, but we often approach it as one single phase of life. But these days, since we are living longer than ever before, our Retirement could span 30 years or more. Depending on when you started your career, that’s not much less than the time you spent working.[1] The journey to and through Retirement occurs gradually, like successive chapters in a book. Each chapter has i…

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3 Retirement Misconceptions That Could Derail Your Golden Years &Raquo; Derailed Retirement 300X200 1
3 Retirement Misconceptions That Could Derail Your Golden Years

Don’t Derail Your Retirement Unraveling Three Common Misconceptions That Can Sabotage Your Retirement Dreams By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Retirement is arguably one of the most popular topics in the person…

Don’t Derail Your …

Don’t Derail Your Retirement Unraveling Three Common Misconceptions That Can Sabotage Your Retirement Dreams By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Retirement is arguably one of the most popular topics in the personal finance world. There is a glut of information about when to start saving, what the best strategies are, and how much you’ll need. If you do a simple search on the topic of Retirement calculators, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from! Unfortunately, a lot of the advice can be contradictory or overwhelming or even flat-out wrong. We are told that we need X amount for a 20-year retirem…

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Should You Make A Contribution In Traditional Or Roth Ira? &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1
Should You Make A Contribution In Traditional or Roth IRA?

  Which one should I make my next contribution into? Roth IRA or Traditional? Choosing Between Traditional and Roth IRA Contributions: Which is Right for You? By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Traditional vs. Ro…

  Which one should …

  Which one should I make my next contribution into? Roth IRA or Traditional? Choosing Between Traditional and Roth IRA Contributions: Which is Right for You? By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Traditional vs. Roth has been debated since the Roth IRA arrived in 1998.  This is almost like the age-old question, what came first, the chicken or the egg?  When should you pay your taxes, now or later? Heck, even CPAs and investment professionals will give you different answers.  The common public only wants a simple yes or no when it comes to which account to use.  The most common answer from professionals …

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Navigating Retirement Taxes &Raquo; Retirement Tax 300X251 1
Navigating Retirement Taxes

Navigating Retirement Taxes Strategies for Reducing Retirement Taxes By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you one of those people who says you will worry about taxes later? Better yet, you will move to a state w…

Navigating Retiremen…

Navigating Retirement Taxes Strategies for Reducing Retirement Taxes By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Are you one of those people who says you will worry about taxes later? Better yet, you will move to a state where you do not need to pay taxes on your Retirement money.  If so, this article is for you. Retirement is a phase of life that many look forward to. This stage of life brings new challenges, especially in the realm of financial planning and tax management. Understanding how taxes work in Retirement is crucial to maximizing your income and ensuring your savings last. Explore key strategies and co…

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Ai Investing Strategies, When Should You Adopt It? &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1
AI Investing Strategies, When Should You Adopt It?

AI Investing Strategies Explore AI Investing Strategies to Transform Your Financial Portfolio By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Artificial intelligence (AI) is making a large impact on many industries in a very s…

AI Investing Strateg…

AI Investing Strategies Explore AI Investing Strategies to Transform Your Financial Portfolio By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Artificial intelligence (AI) is making a large impact on many industries in a very short amount of time.  This may be the modern-day equivalent of an industrial revolution.  How this will affect the world of finance is a story that is continuing to unfold in the present time. For the time being, trusting AI to pick investments or do your financial planning, it is advised to use caution as AI is new to the industry.  Most AI is looking back at historical data.  Some services r…

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Navigating The Hype: The Truth About Financial Influencers &Raquo; Social Media Influencers 300X251 1
Navigating the Hype: The Truth About Financial Influencers

Social Media Influencer Understanding Financial Influencers and the Need for Caution by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS This is the tale of the double-edged sword of financial advice.  Financial influencers are g…

Social Media Influen…

Social Media Influencer Understanding Financial Influencers and the Need for Caution by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS This is the tale of the double-edged sword of financial advice.  Financial influencers are gaining a lot of traction on social media.  The landscape in the next few years will drastically change because of influencers and the development of artificial intelligence in this space.  This will increase the need to navigate all financial advice with caution. In the digital era, financial influencers have become a significant force in shaping investment behaviors and personal finance decisio…

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How Do I Minimize Taxes On My Retirement Income? &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1
How Do I Minimize Taxes On My Retirement Income?

minimize taxes Navigating Retirement and Taxation: Strategies to Minimize Taxes by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS Retirement is different for everyone.  The commonality is that retirees face a significant change…

minimize taxes Navig…

minimize taxes Navigating Retirement and Taxation: Strategies to Minimize Taxes by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS Retirement is different for everyone.  The commonality is that retirees face a significant change in their financial landscape.  Minimizing taxes can have one of the largest effects on Retirement and is the biggest key to watch. Understanding the tax implications of your Retirement income is crucial for maintaining your financial health. This article will explore how income is taxed during Retirement, strategies to minimize your tax burden, and tips for staying compliant with IRS rules. Unde…

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Death And Taxes – The Tax Trap For Successful Retirees &Raquo; Bright Red Orange Wavy Blog Image Pinterest Pin 200X300 1
Death and Taxes – The Tax Trap For Successful Retirees

Successful Retirement or Tax Trap; Will You Be The One Who Pays More In Tax During Retirement? by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS If you are/were successful in your career and saved enough to retire, congratulatio…

Successful Retiremen…

Successful Retirement or Tax Trap; Will You Be The One Who Pays More In Tax During Retirement? by: Jeremy Reif, CRPS If you are/were successful in your career and saved enough to retire, congratulations!  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) would also like to thank you.  If you knew the tax trap existed, you might not have known its full extent.  This article is focused on the hidden tax trap, which mostly affects the middle class and up. People tend to forget that the government is around indefinitely; we are only here temporarily.  How does that old saying go? There are only two things th…

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5 Tax Saving Strategies To Lower Your Tax Bill &Raquo; Shutterstock 1149921578 300X200 1
5 Tax Saving Strategies To Lower Your Tax Bill

Top 5 Tax Saving Strategies by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Spring is in the air, and tax forms are showing up in your mail and online databases.  Are you worried about that impending tax bill? You’re not al…

Top 5 Tax Saving Str…

Top 5 Tax Saving Strategies by, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Spring is in the air, and tax forms are showing up in your mail and online databases.  Are you worried about that impending tax bill? You’re not alone. Many individuals find themselves scrambling to find ways to lower their tax bills as the deadline approaches. There are strategies you can implement to potentially reduce your tax burden this year.  We’ll explore some tax saving strategies that could help you keep more money in your pocket. Traditional Tax Deduction Strategies One effective way to lower your tax bill is by maximizing your …

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