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Alter the Course of History in the Making

Alter The Course Of History In The Making &Raquo; Core Thinking Blueprint Method Eye 900X450 1

Where do I begin?

My mind says: How do I stay sane in an insane world?

My heart says: Stay focused on love, joy, peace, and happiness.

Others say: But how can you do that when there is so much pain, distress, negativity, and chaos?

My voice says: Be still, find as much positivity as you can, envision the world has turned right side up, deep dive into the strength/courage/confidence within, each day focus on a miracle/something that you can smile about, lead by example that uplifts and encourages, and most of all discover the deep-rooted love that can envelope all things.

“We are all being tested beyond anything we have ever experienced. The seams are coming apart and about to burst….into something that will bring about an extraordinary shift. Mankind is at a threshold of change, for better or worse, where our integrity and ability to truly evolve is at our fingertips. The battle within has spilled over into a war of words, thoughts, and actions. Will it end? Only time will tell, but history seems to repeat itself. Will we learn? Only by the eventual merging and weaving again that has a foundation of love. That which we stand upon today has many cracks….releasing the various voices of many, each wanting to be heard. The cries of the warrior spirit are strong, all across the universe. No one winning, only continued strife and strain. But within the matrix of this battle, there is a light, and bit by bit it shines brighter. Some will see it, others will not. Joining together at the highest form of connectedness may be the answer. In prayer, we can in numbers alter the course of history in the making.”

~ Eileen Bild

Eileen Bild Author, Writer, S.P.A.R.K. Coach

Eileen is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTELproductions, Co-Founder of OTEL Universe, Executive Producer/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. She is a published Author, Internationally Syndicated Columnist, and Assistant Editor.

OTEL Universe -A Universal Voice is a platform to give people a voice for their passions, visions and dreams. Through relationship building, alliances and partnerships, Eileen has built an extraordinary community of like minded people and businesses with a similar purpose to be the light in the world and make a real difference.

Eileen views aging as an opportunity to take all the years of life lessons, learning and wisdom gained, and create a legacy that can live on indefinitely. She helps people tell their stories through interviews, assistance in writing and publishing a book, working on projects that have high impact and real results, S.P.A.R.K. them to take the next step to reach their highest potential and live life to the fullest. Eileen works with artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities and anyone wanting to live fearlessly, authentically and the desire to feel fulfilled.


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