Can you sense the threshhold between the old year and the new one right around the corner?
It's like a doorway between who you are and who you're becoming. Having hopes and dreams can feel exciting and terrifying at the same time.
Sometimes, we have a picture of who we want to become or how we want to do better or be better. To become a better version of yourself, an old aspect of yourself must die or be shed, like a snake sheds its skin – maybe a limiting belief or attachment to an anxious emotional state. The freed up energy can be focused on whatever it is about yourself you want to improve.
The neuroscience and psycho/spiritual processes behind disrupting old patterns and replacing them with new ones is quite complex. This is why self-compassion is important. The process is generally messy and imperfect.
Shedding a limiting belief or relationship can feel liberating and disconcerting simultaneously. We can feel stuck in the doorway, between the certainty of what we don't want and the fear of not knowing what we are becoming. What we're fearing is the anticipation of having to make difficult choices in order to fully become what we're being called to become.
What happens when you don't know what wants to emerge from you? When everything that used to fulfill you doesn't anymore? When you're bored with the stagnant systems that have imprisoned you? When you now can see the truth of a situation – your Matrix moment?
In these situations, we must harness a deeper source of Wisdom that is connected to what transcends us. The stronger our relationship with our deeper Self, the stronger the bridge to the ultimate Source (what some call God). The stronger our inner moral authority, the easier it is to resist mass-minded ideas and dogmatic versions of religion or systems in which we live (e.g., capitalism), which are meant to keep you in check rather than strengthen your own relationship with Source.
During my midlife unraveling and reconstruction, I found myself swept up in an ironic and passionate romance that brought to the surface inner divisions that needed to be reconciled. Suddenly, I felt mysterious and deep inner shifts that unchained me from the prison of false beliefs about myself. At the same time, I grew more and more anxious at not knowing where I was being led, what was emerging from me. My protective mind was weakened in favor of growing trust in the universe, creative intelligence, speaking through my deeper self.
I have been blessed to experience a handful of glimpses into eternity, moments of truth, but one of them was during the listening of Amy Grant's Christmas song, “Breath of Heaven.” I sobbed and sobbed as I related to the lyrics where Mary wonders why she has been entrusted to carry the son of God.
The sobs were an indication of a deep inner shift. My entire body experienced a deep knowing that what was growing inside me was a new purpose that was not based on my ego's need for validation. I was receiving inspiration, learning to allow creative intelligence to flow through me, to use me as a vessel, in order to contribute, to put something into the world that was unique to my human experience and helpful to others. That was a moment of truth that my unfolding life was deeply meaningful.
Simply knowing words does not mean you “know” or understand what those words mean. To know is to relate, which happens in the body.
Right now is a great opportunity to look back at 2024 and reflect about new insights you have received and how to integrate those insights through changed behaviors and thoughts in 2025. This does take courage because our mind doesn't like new insights that require new thinking and behaviors. But the world needs your new insights more than ever.
Something new is trying to emerge from the collective unconscious, new ideas that will lead to new systems about how to be humans in a way that is less destructive and more loving and collaborative. Change always bubbles up from the bottom, so if you're waiting for people smarter than you or with more power, you're slowing down the process of Consciousness raising that is the light at the end of this tunnel of chaos tinged with darkness.
Perhaps you don't know where to begin.
Of the approximately 60,000 thoughts a day tha science says we have, about 75% of them are negative and 95% of them are repetitive. But do not judge! Just notice them and let them pass. Then, begin to change them up to thoughts that are more empowering.
Some of my clients draw a big T-chart on a piece of paper. When you notice yourself having a negative or unhelpful thought, write it down on the left side and then rewrite it as something more empowering on the right side. Next time you have the negative thought, just look at the new thought. What you're doing is weakening the neural groove of the disempowering thought and making a new neural connection and strengthening it by repeating the new more empowering thought.
Science says we have about 200 emotional experiences per day. Rarely is it just one emotion we're feeling. Remember, most of your life is driven and influenced by unconscious forces, so when your mind says you're feeling anger, that's just part of the story. Beneath the anger are memories of suffering that are very old.
You can use the same T-Chart to document the emotion you're feeling and note what was going on that day and right before the emotion you were experiencing. Emotions arise spontaneously and cannot be controlled, but feelings are how we find meaning in the emotion.
On the right side of your T-Chart explore your automatic assumptions about the emotion. Then, decide what emotional state you would rather experience, and imagine a time or remember a time when you felt that emotion. Your brain doesn't know the difference between what you imagine and what your reality is, so while you cannot control an emotion, you can slip into a new emotional state.
If you're willing to take the time to try Steps 1 and 2, I guarantee you will gain some new insights about yourself that will lead to more Clarity about what to do next to continue growing into an even better version of yourself.
My book, Your Soul is Talking. Are You Listening? is a great way to learn the basics about how your unconscious is always speaking to you and trying to get you to explore yourself more deeply. My 5-Step process teaches you how to be a detective in your own life, identifying themes and patterns, finding metaphors and meaning in the symbols, gaining new insights, and then integrating those insights into your conscious life.
Click here to purchase my book for you or a loved one. Click here to listen to me read it for FREE.
If you're ready for the plunge into your unconscious, click here to schedule an exploratory chat with me to design a curriculum tailored for your needs.
To a peacefully productive 2025,
Deborah Lukovich, PhD
Originally Published on