Many of us have Aging parents or loved ones that need medical care that would benefit from engaging private patient advocacy. Doctors are busier than ever with little time to spend with each patient. This can be frustrating for both patients and for family members who have questions and concerns that are left unanswered. Is there a solution to this with a health care system that is facing a shortage of primary care doctors? On average, most primary care physicians will spend between 15 and 18 minutes with each patient, if they’re lucky, and that can include diagnosis. This is often after waiting up to an hour or even longer for the appointment as doctors are overbooked and running late. What do we do?
This article is based on a conversation with Dr. Gerda Maissel, an MD with an impressive resumé, turned to work in private patient advocacy to help maneuver care for those we care about and also enlighten us on what to look for in care that may even impact our personal care in the future.
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