Talking about equality is the last article of the series of nine on elderhood. It is another way in which an elder potentially impacts society. We need to move from the current inequality to equality. We have inequality on so many levels, not just gender based, in the workplace, in society in general, there is racial, age related financial, and there’s the group thinking with you’re in the group or you are out of the group.
Inherent in inequality is judgment. Really look at it. How do we determine that there is not equality, and one side considers that it is better, more capable, has more knowledge, whatever the standard of judgment in a group may be,
The way I look at it equality does not mean the same, does not mean sameness. Men are not woman or the other way around, a child or older person and a middle aged person are very different in their capabilities, yet they’re not different in their value. Each human being has value, one not more than the other. We are different ages in the body, yet we all are souls. We are all eternal. Saying that there are young souls and old souls is just another form of judgment
People choose what they choose for whatever reasons. They also choose different levels of vibration with how they want to be. I don’t see that as a basis for judgment, that it is good or bad. What I am proposing is we all need equal amounts of respect, and I don’t mean just for us humans, for people. No, we need respect for nature. We need respect for the Earth, with all the beings that are living on the earth, humans, the animals, the plants, the minerals, the water and ………
Some people look at the fact that, according to them, people are conscious, and therefore they need to dominate all that is not conscious. Excuse me! Nature is conscious, the Earth is conscious. Animals are conscious, plants are conscious. They communicate with each other too, even though we can’t hear Via the mycelium network, it is a totally different kind of communication. I find it interesting that I’m seeing more and more articles about Consciousness that actually extend way beyond humans, where science is finally starting to catch up that other beings, beyond the human beings, are also conscious, also have consciousness. What if we consider ourselves, stewards or caretakers? What if we are not the crown of creation but part of creation?
Humans have not been around for as long as a lot of other species of animals or plants. What makes us think we are better? Or to some extent that animals have more value than plants. Often I hear the argument that when eating meat I kill an animal, yet when I eat vegetables I don’t kill. I am not talking about the way animals a kept and killed which so often is inhumanely and definitely needs to change. As people contribute to others, what would make us think that animals or plants are not willing to contribute to us humans? Having an equal consideration for all that lives would be a first step.
The post Elderhood – Equality appeared first on Being in Awareness.