Wednesday - March 26th, 2025
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Bre'anna Wilson Certified Dementia Practitioner, Author, Podcaster

Bre'anna is a Certified Dementia Practitioner, the founder of Bambu Care LLC, the host of the What the Dementia podcast, and the author of "With Intent: A Practical Guide to Navigating Behaviors Along the Dementia Care Journey" and "Grow With Gratitude: 100-Day Gratitude and Self-Care Journal".

She has been in the field of dementia care for over 5 years now as of 2022. Her background is in occupational Therapy, specifically in the home setting: home, independent living, assisted living, and memory care. Along her journey, she realized just how big the gaps were in dementia care and just how much our system was failing caregivers. Not just the family caregiver who received no real information, guidance, or Education after their partner’s diagnosis, but also the professional caregiver who received very little training (if any) and was often completely at a loss for what to do — which ultimately impacted both the caregiver and the person living with dementia. Consequently, she decided to take a direct step into the dementia care realm so that she could help more people in a more meaningful and impactful way.

Recent Content

162 | The Day No One Will Have Dementia! Does It Exist? &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
162 | The Day No One Will Have Dementia! Does it Exist?

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether a future without dementia is truly possible. While some believe a cure is on the horizon, others question if dementia can ever be fu…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether a future without dementia is truly possible. While some believe a cure is on the horizon, others question if dementia can ever be fully eradicated. We’ll explore emerging research on dementia prevention, the role of Lifestyle and environmental factors, and the barriers that may keep dementia from disappearing entirely. This episode offers a candid perspective on what it would take to eliminate dementia and why it may never be a reality.This episode will cover:— Whether it’s realistic to expect a future without dementia.�…

Listen · 11:50
161 | Reversing Alzheimer'S: Join Our Book Club! &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
161 | Reversing Alzheimer's: Join Our Book Club!

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss an upcoming 5-week asynchronous book club hosted by Bambu Care in their free support community, Bambu Care Champions. The book club will foc…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss an upcoming 5-week asynchronous book club hosted by Bambu Care in their free support community, Bambu Care Champions. The book club will focus on "Reversing Alzheimer's: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health" by Dr. Heather Sandison. This book is relevant for those wanting to prevent dementia, people with mild cognitive impairment, and those with dementia seeking to improve cognition and function. The episode provides details about the book club's format, the book's key themes, and why it's a valuable resource …

Listen · 10:21
160 | Can Activities Really Slow Dementia Progression? &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
160 | Can Activities Really Slow Dementia Progression?

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether activities can help delay the progression of dementia. Plus, you will learn about our upcoming book club on Reversing Alzheimer’s

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether activities can help delay the progression of dementia. Plus, you will learn about our upcoming book club on Reversing Alzheimer’s by Dr. Sandison inside Bambu Care Champions, our free support community.This episode will cover:— Whether activities can delay dementia progression— The concept of "use it or lose it" and neuroplasticity— The importance of activity type and engagement level— The role of cognitive training and "brain games"— The significance of Diet, Exercise, Sleep, and other lifestyle factorsMENTIONE…

Listen · 10:22
159 | Supporting Dementia Caregivers: New Resources, Treehouse Releases, &Amp; Book Club &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
159 | Supporting Dementia Caregivers: New Resources, Treehouse Releases, & Book Club

In this housekeeping episode for What the Dementia, we update you on everything happening in the world of Bambu to help support dementia care partners on their care journey. Is there anything that mee…

In this housekeeping…

In this housekeeping episode for What the Dementia, we update you on everything happening in the world of Bambu to help support dementia care partners on their care journey. Is there anything that meets your needs?This episode will cover:— Newly released drawer labels and how to access them— The Panda Pocket and its expanded availability— Recent Treehouse additions— Details on the upcoming Reversing Alzheimer’s book club and how to joinMENTIONED IN EPISODE: Drawer Labels Digital Product | Labels Video | Pocket | ht…

Listen · 9:07
158 | Navigating Curiosity Vs. Worry In Dementia Care &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
158 | Navigating Curiosity vs. Worry in Dementia Care

In this original What the Dementia episode, we explore the balance between curiosity and worry in dementia care. How do you stay informed without feeling overwhelmed? How can learning about dementia h…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we explore the balance between curiosity and worry in dementia care. How do you stay informed without feeling overwhelmed? How can learning about dementia help rather than hinder your well-being? We’ll discuss ways to approach dementia care with curiosity rather than fear, stay present in the moment, and prepare for the unknown without unnecessary Stress.This episode will cover:— How to balance normalcy with dementia care— Managing emotional energy when learning about dementia— The role of staying present in reducing stress— The awareness …

Listen · 18:21
157 | Are People With Dementia Suffering? &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
157 | Are people with dementia suffering?

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether people with dementia are suffering. This complex and sensitive topic explores how suffering can manifest in emotional, physical, and…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether people with dementia are suffering. This complex and sensitive topic explores how suffering can manifest in emotional, physical, and situational forms throughout the dementia journey.CONNECT, GET RESOURCES, LEARN MORE, + SIMPLIFY YOUR CARE JOURNEY:LinkTree |⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠MUSIC CREDIT: Listen To SpillageVillage - Tropical Landing Pop Songs At Looperman.comDISCLAIMER: The information contained in Bambu Care LLC’s website, blog, emails, progra…

Listen · 9:42
156 | 4 Things I Would Do After A Dementia Diagnosis &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
156 | 4 Things I Would Do After A Dementia Diagnosis

In this original What the Dementia episode, our host, Bre’anna, shares four personal steps she would take after a dementia diagnosis. Bre’anna’s insights may inspire you to reflect on your own j…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, our host, Bre’anna, shares four personal steps she would take after a dementia diagnosis. Bre’anna’s insights may inspire you to reflect on your own journey and planning.This episode will cover: — Personal considerations for lifestyle and environmental changes. — Creating a Bucket List to focus on meaningful goals. — Organizing legal and financial documents for future planning. — Documenting personal care wishes and medical directives.MENTIONED IN EPISODE: Peace of Mind Planner Review | ⁠, …

Listen · 8:09
155 | Should You Tell Others About A Dementia Diagnosis? &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
155 | Should you tell others about a dementia diagnosis?

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether to tell others about a dementia diagnosis and how to navigate this sensitive decision. We'll cover key considerations for deciding w…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss whether to tell others about a dementia diagnosis and how to navigate this sensitive decision. We'll cover key considerations for deciding who to inform, how to share the diagnosis effectively, and the potential risks and benefits of disclosure. This episode also provides practical tips to help both individuals living with dementia and their caregivers approach this topic with confidence and Clarity.This episode will cover: — Who should absolutely be informed about a dementia diagnosis. — How stigma can affect disclosure and r…

Listen · 25:02
154 | What Scares Me About Getting Dementia &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
154 | What Scares Me About Getting Dementia

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the personal fears surrounding a potential dementia diagnosis. Through personal insights, this episode sheds light on what truly scares our …

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the personal fears surrounding a potential dementia diagnosis. Through personal insights, this episode sheds light on what truly scares our host about dementia and offers valuable perspectives for caregivers navigating similar concerns.This episode will cover: — Personal fears about living with dementia — The impact of family dynamics on dementia care — Challenges of maintaining autonomy and independence — Concerns about care quality in facilities and at home — The importance of building trust and collaboration in care…

Listen · 24:57
153 | 2025: Dementia Care In The New Year With Bambu &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
153 | 2025: Dementia Care in the New Year with Bambu

In this original What the Dementia episode, we take a look into what you can expect from Bambu Care in 2025 to help support your dementia care journey.MENTIONED EPISODE: 2024: A Year in Dementia Ca…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we take a look into what you can expect from Bambu Care in 2025 to help support your dementia care journey.MENTIONED EPISODE: 2024: A Year in Dementia Care with Bambu | ⁠ Main YouTube Channel | WTD YouTube Channel | Bambu Bites YouTube Channel | 2025 Community Survey | ⁠, GET RESOURCES, LEARN MORE, + SIMPLIFY YOUR CARE JOURNEY: LinkTree | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https:/…

Listen · 13:49
152 | 2024: A Year In Dementia Care With Bambu &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
152 | 2024: A Year in Dementia Care with Bambu

In this original What the Dementia episode, we take a walk down the 2024 memory lane of all things Bambu Care and how we were able to serve dementia care partners this year!WANT TO HELP US?: Leave a…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we take a walk down the 2024 memory lane of all things Bambu Care and how we were able to serve dementia care partners this year!WANT TO HELP US?: Leave a Review | Community Survey | 2024 PODCAST EPISODES: 118 | 3 Things You MUST Understand About the Stages of Dementia 119 | 5 Dementia Misconceptions — Uncovering the Truth 116 | Can You Prevent Dementia? + How to Reduce Your Risk!END OF LIFE & Hospice EPISODES: 125 | Late Stage Dementia vs. End of Life 126 | Hospice Re…

Listen · 20:24
151 | The Ugly Side Of Hallucinations And Delusion In Dementia &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
151 | The Ugly Side of Hallucinations and Delusion in Dementia

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the challenges of managing hallucinations and delusions in dementia care. You’ll learn about potential pitfalls when these symptoms are no…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the challenges of managing hallucinations and delusions in dementia care. You’ll learn about potential pitfalls when these symptoms are not handled effectively, how they can affect caregivers and their partners, and why preparation is essential. Plus, we’ll highlight our upcoming webinar, 'Navigating Hallucinations & Delusions in Dementia', which offers practical strategies and tools to navigate these situations with confidence.MENTIONED IN EPISODE: Hallucinations & Delusions Webinar | Tre…

Listen · 10:19
150 | Housekeeping: Hallucinations Webinar, Holiday Gift Guide, &Amp; Black Friday Deals &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
150 | Housekeeping: Hallucinations Webinar, Holiday Gift Guide, & Black Friday Deals

In this housekeeping episode for What the Dementia, we update you on everything happening in the world of Bambu to help support dementia care partners on their care journey. Is there anything that mee…

In this housekeeping…

In this housekeeping episode for What the Dementia, we update you on everything happening in the world of Bambu to help support dementia care partners on their care journey. Is there anything that meets your needs?This episode will cover: — Holiday deadline for Bambu Dozens (large 12-piece puzzle collection). — Upcoming webinar on Navigating Hallucinations and Delusions in Dementia. — The 2024 Holiday Gift Guide. — Special Black Friday deals on Bambu Care products, including lifetime Treehouse access. — Bambu Care’s hiatus starting December 7th.MENTIONED IN EPISODE: Bambu Do…

Listen · 10:48
149 | Capgras Syndrome In Dementia – Is That Really You? &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
149 | Capgras Syndrome in Dementia – Is that really you?

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss Capgras Syndrome, a rare but challenging delusion in which people with dementia believe that familiar people have been replaced by imposters…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss Capgras Syndrome, a rare but challenging delusion in which people with dementia believe that familiar people have been replaced by imposters.This episode will cover: — An overview of Capgras Syndrome in dementia — Possible reasons why Capgras Syndrome occurs in dementia — Differences between Capgras Syndrome and time-shifting — Tips for responding to accusations of being an "imposter" — When to seek additional support or medical guidanceMENTIONED IN EPISODE: Creepy Critique: Relic — Dementia in Horror Films | Ep…

Listen · 14:49
148 | Prosopagnosia In Dementia (Face Blindness) &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
148 | Prosopagnosia in Dementia (Face Blindness)

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss prosopagnosia, also known as "face blindness," and how it affects some people with dementia.This episode will cover: — What prosopagnos…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss prosopagnosia, also known as "face blindness," and how it affects some people with dementia.This episode will cover: — What prosopagnosia is. — How prosopagnosia affects people with dementia. — Six key signs that may indicate prosopagnosia. — Tips for caregivers.MENTIONED IN EPISODE: Treehouse | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Giveaway |, GET RESOURCES, LEARN MORE, + SIMPLIFY YOUR CARE JOURNEY: LinkTree | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https:…

Listen · 8:54
147 | Antipsychotics For Lewy Body Dementia – What Are The Risks? &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
147 | Antipsychotics for Lewy Body Dementia – What Are the Risks?

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the use of antipsychotic medications for people with Lewy body dementia.This episode will cover: — Risks associated with antipsychotics…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the use of antipsychotic medications for people with Lewy body dementia.This episode will cover: — Risks associated with antipsychotics for Lewy body dementia. — Differences between typical and atypical antipsychotics. — FDA warnings on antipsychotic use in dementia care. — Alternative approaches before considering medication. — Key antipsychotics to avoid and those used with caution.REFERENCES: ⁠ https://pmc.n…

Listen · 13:36
146 | Parkinson'S Disease Dementia — The 1-Year Rule &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
146 | Parkinson's Disease Dementia — The 1-Year Rule

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss Parkinson's Disease Dementia, a form of Lewy Body Dementia.This episode will cover: — The distinction between Parkinson’s Disease Deme…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss Parkinson's Disease Dementia, a form of Lewy Body Dementia.This episode will cover: — The distinction between Parkinson’s Disease Dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies — Key symptoms affecting movement, cognition, and memory — Behavioral and sleep-related changes in Parkinson’s Disease Dementia — Important medication considerations and potential side effectsREFERENCES:…

Listen · 16:31
145 | Understanding And Managing Wandering In Dementia &Raquo; 2637885 1677971291190 34B359435327D
145 | Understanding and Managing Wandering in Dementia

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the important topic of wandering in dementia care. This episode provides an insightful introduction to wandering behaviors, differentiates b…

In this original Wha…

In this original What the Dementia episode, we will discuss the important topic of wandering in dementia care. This episode provides an insightful introduction to wandering behaviors, differentiates between wandering, exit-seeking, and elopement, and shares essential tips for caregivers.This episode will cover: — The definition and differentiation of wandering, exit-seeking, and elopement. — The risks associated with wandering behaviors in dementia. — General tips for addressing wandering, including identifying unmet needs and environmental triggers. — The importance of creating a …

Listen · 18:28


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