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Equinox • Art of Balance in the Dance of Change

We live in a universe, on a planet, and in bodies that are intricate weavings of cycles within cycles within cycles. Wherever we are on our earth, we are moving toward Equinox. This shift in the earth’s seasons has been honored for centuries in diverse human cultures and in ceremonial ways.

In each 365-day cycle of our earth’s spiral dance around our sun, two Equinoxes and two Solstices occur. These seasonal shifts set an essential foundation in place, a vital rhythm for life on earth. Equinox and Solstice are threshold places, transitions between one season and the next. They offer us landmarks in the vast flow of time, all the while initiating change.

Particular alignments between our earth and sun create Solstices and Equinoxes. These rather magical alignments shape the earth’s seasons and influence life cycles in wildly diverse species and ecosystems.

There’s a precision in these cosmic alignments, even though our earth and sun are millions of miles apart. There’s a consistency in these alignments, through eons, while our planet and star are spiraling around in the Milky Way Galaxy and our galaxy is spiraling through the universe.

Our heart-centered human nature is innately connected with the natural rhythms of life set in motion so long ago. Feeling our hearts connecting with the heart of our earth and the heart of our sun and the heart of our galaxy settles us deeply in our roots. We can remember and rebuild, over and over again, genuine fibers of connection with life on earth and beyond.

This inner homecoming radiates far beyond our human bodies. The healing vibration of heart-to-heart connection ripples on and on, touching life. In this simple and sweet way, we bring balance alive on our earth. Harmony and balance grow from the inside out.

Equinox marks a moment when there is an equal expanse between sunrise and sunset, a form of equity and balance in daytime and night. With contemporary number-based calendars and clocks, mathematical measurements are used to determine when Equinox occurs. This isn’t the only way, through humanity’s existence on earth, that we have understood the timing and significance of Equinox.

Even when this seasonal shift is described by linear calculations, the expression of equality shared by Equinox is dynamic, holistic, and complex. Sunrise and sunset unfold incrementally. Daytime and nighttime have a myriad of expressions. Equinox opens into Autumn and Spring, unique seasons emerging simultaneously in different regions on earth.

In the ancient knowings carried in the body of our earth, there are no better-than or less-than seasons. Daytime and nighttime, darkness and light, are not either good or bad. The foundations for life on earth haven’t been constructed with straight lines, ninety-degree angles, and inorganic divisions of superior/inferior, good/bad, right/wrong, either/or.

Balance on our earth is delicate and dynamic. Participating in the artful quest for balance involves unlearning our out-of-balance ways. Judgments. Fears. Addiction to war. Taking power over. Putting others down. Dehumanizing ourselves and each other. Denaturing and destroying our earth.

We can examine our words and investigate our beliefs to see when and where we’ve gotten stuck inside boxes that judge and divide. Common phrases indicate that dark is bad and light is good. Dark night of the soul. Dark times. Lightworkers. Black magic. Little white lies. Blacklisted. Whitelists. Echoes of white supremacy reverberate through these words.

Reimagining and rewriting our language, we can purposefully use words as medicine – to find our way back home to our genuine human nature and reconnect with the wisdoms and ways of the earth.

Every incremental shift has wide-ranging ripple effects. Each little bit is essential to the whole.

As humans, we have knowings and rememberings of the ways of balance. Long-standing ancestral lineages are filled with curiosity and awe about the cosmos, with lifeways crafted in rhythm with natural cycles, with a flow of giving and receiving that nourishes and replenishes, holding the promise of the continuance of life.

Ancient and still-living stories and songs share knowledge about who we are as human people, the wonder and mystery of how we got here, and why we’re on this planet living among the stars.

This universe of knowledge lives in human Consciousness and is embodied in our DNA. And we’re surrounded by countless non-human teachers who can show us the way.

In the midst of changing seasons on our earth and in our lives, in the precious time we have between each sunrise and sunset and every dusk and dawn, there are endless opportunities to create respectful Relationships with ourselves and each other, with the intelligence and sacred existence of all life.

Weaving webs of relationships with acceptance, understanding, love, and respect doesn’t require feeling, thinking, looking, living, or staying the same.

When we join up with the earth, understand her ways, and honor the wisdoms in natural cycles, we’ll once again become weavers of a brilliant and beautiful thriving tapestry of life in the now and for the generations to come.


Equinox • Art Of Balance In The Dance Of Change &Raquo; Solstice

Originally Published on

JoAnne Dodgson Ceremonial Healing

JoAnne Dodgson’s life is centered in the lineage of Ka Ta See and the path of the kala keh nah seh ~  medicine storyteller, weaver of webs of balance, healer, teacher, and ceremonial guide. She offers ceremonial healing, apprenticeships, and retreats to remember our belonging and weave harmony in our relationships with ourselves, each other, our earth, and web of life.

JoAnne has been learning, living, and sharing the ways of the kala keh nah seh for over twenty years. She has a doctorate in Counseling Psychology with a specialty in Holistic Health. As a therapist and community activist, she worked in trauma healing centers and college counseling centers. She has been on the faculty in Transpersonal Psychology, Women’s Studies, and Holistic Health programs. Earlier in her career, JoAnne was a teacher in public schools and residential programs for adolescents. She also served as the director of a women’s shelter.

To share her passion for the healing medicine of stories, JoAnne has written several books including Spirit of Chocolate: A Woman’s Journey to the Rainforest in Search of Her Dreams and UnLeashing Love. She lives in the enchanted desert mesas of New Mexico.

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