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This Mum Flips £60k Into Millions In Property With No Bank Loan

  1. This Mum Flips £60k Into Millions In Property With No Bank Loan Jim James 30:18

Dream of amassing rental properties, but lack startup capital? Susannah Cole, founder of The Good Property Company, bootstrapped from nothing to a multi-million pound portfolio and wants to show you how. Learn her ingenious strategies for financing deals without the bank.

Hear how Susannah built trust with private lenders using old-fashioned relationship marketing tactics like speaking gigs and consistent YouTube content. Find out why focusing locally enabled her to personally meet with potential investors.

Susannah also shares her framework for repurposing evergreen social media content and planning posts a full year in advance. Get her top tips for recovering from PR gaffes and keeping your cool when faced with false accusations.

If the idea of holidaying in Barcelona off passive property income appeals to you, don’t miss Susannah’s encouraging rags-to-riches story on this episode. Let her creative real estate financing methods inspire your own entrepreneurial aspirations.

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Jim James Champion of the Unnoticed Entrepreneur

I was sold on the power of publicity to meet ambitious goals when I jumped out of the plane ✈ at the age of 17.

Since that slightly foolhardy stunt, I have always been on the side of the business owner who has a great story to tell but doesn't know how to get the recognition they deserve.

Since 1995 I have built brands and businesses as an entrepreneur. I've lived in Africa, America, China, Singapore, and the UK.

In 2022 I sold my PR Agency in Singapore.

Now I consult business owners on how to get noticed, host a podcast, a radio show, and publish books.

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