Saturday - September 7th, 2024
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Dennis Pitocco

Are We Really Helping the Homeless?

People in poverty have a sense of scarcity. So, it makes sense for them to keep taking. It’s weird to think that helping can contribute to keeping someone sick. The way to minimize the damage from helping in the wrong direction is to be mindful of possible unintended consequences. We have to be more thought-out […]

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Together: Let’s Take A Moment to “Just Be”

If you’re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in? Slow down, enjoy the moment you’re in, and just be … Taking a moment is about simply taking a few seconds every day for our mental health to “Just Be”. To pause, breathe, disconnect, and then reconnect, so we can […]

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HOMELESSNESS: Time to Debunk the Myths?

“The biggest misconception about the homeless is that they got themselves in the mess — let them get themselves out.” –Ron Hall Myths are widely held thoughts or beliefs that are not generally true. Beyond just being misinformation, myths often create negative attitudes and even prejudice. This is most often the case when it comes […]

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The Power of Unity: We’re Better Together

Celebrate the power of unity with “Better Together” Song Around The World, featuring Jack Johnson, Paula Fuga, Lee Oskar, and talented musicians from around the globe. This beautiful, feel-good song was a single, released in February 2006 from Jack Johnson’s third studio album, “In Between Dreams,” and was inspired by his love for his wife. […]

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We Are All Homeless: It’s Time to Change the Narrative

Many of us feel uncomfortable and nervous when we come across homeless people carrying signs asking for money. We cross the street or look away to avoid making eye contact. Designer and artist Willie Baronet started buying signs from the homeless as a way to deal with his discomfort. In 1993, he embarked on a […]

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Hate is A Four-Letter Word

The handshake spoke volumes. On a March night in 1963, two college basketball players—one Black, one White—defied the hate of segregationists and shook hands, marking the first time in Mississippi State’s history that its all-White men’s team played against an integrated team. To compete in the “game of change” against Loyola University Chicago in a […]

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Delivering “ConverSessions” That Matter

At the heart of it all, real conversations are human. They embody our humanity by encompassing the sharing of emotions, a willingness to be vulnerable, and a receptiveness to fresh and different ideas. Real conversations invite the sense of “us” into a space where a participatory reality unfolds. Our exclusive series of single-day, live/interactive INSTEADTALKS —each convened […]

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Igniting Humanity – One Person at a Time

We hold this space now and then for those who simply show up every day with a radiant,  uplifting spirit coupled with a genuine willingness to give back. That said, as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of this award-winning global media digest and CEO/ReImaginator for 360° Nation, I was delighted to have the opportunity to get better […]

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“Instead” TALKS: ConverSessions that Matter

Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits. When minds meet, they don’t just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them, and engage in new trains of thought. Conversation doesn’t just reshuffle the cards: it creates new cards. — Theodore Zeldin The Transformational Power of Real Conversations […]

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Where’s the Outrage?

It’s time to reclaim our humanity and dignity through deliberate action, not just words, and with a heightened sense of urgency demanded by the atrocities witnessed. True dignity is expressed by acknowledging the human condition, the suffering, the imperfection; the missteps, and the potential for real change. Outrage: NOUN; an extremely vicious or violent act; […]

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