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  1. The Hidden Edge of Laughter with Cathy Nesbitt Jeff Wickersham 29:09

On today’s show, I’m excited to have special guest, Cathy Nesbitt

Cathy’s hidden edge is laughter and the positive affect it can

have on us.

Cathy Nesbitt is a Health and Wellness Advocate. Founder of

Cathy’s Crawly Composters (Est 2002), Cathy’s Sprouters and Cathy’s Laughter


She is a multi-award-winning environmental innovator who uses

workshops and inspirational speaking to motivate people to live a more

sustainable life.

Cathy is a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Appointed Laughter

Ambassador in 2017 by Dr. Madan Kataria.

Check it out the episode now!

Where to find Cathy:

Zoom Laughter Tuesdays – Free

9:30 AM Eastern Time, Every Tuesday

Register in advance for this meeting:


30 minutes super fun, Self-Care.

As a Laughter Yoga Teacher, I incorporate tapping, brain gym and other healing








Jeff Wickersham Mental Toughness and Peak Performance Coach

Jeff Wickersham is a sought after mental toughness and peak performance coach who helps guide clients to intentionally step into the best versions of themselves and unlock that inner hero waiting to be unleashed. Jeff’s a #1 best-selling author, Tony Robbins award winner, podcast host, speaker and creator of the 4-step Morning Fire Method. He recently completed his second David Goggins 4x4x48 Mile run, has meditated for 1,864 straight days and taken an ice bath or cold shower 1,519 straight days. His mission is to live to be 110 years old through his healthy daily habits.