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October 15th, 2024

32. The Formula – Part 2: Protect Your Data

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32. The Formula - Part 2: Protect Your Data
  1. 32. The Formula - Part 2: Protect Your Data 40:25

Data backup used to be simple: a tape drive on the server and you’re good to go! Now data lives everywhere. Taming this beast can be a challenge to say the least. Here’s a quick-start guide:

  1. Go through each department and major function in your business (BizDev, Operations, Finance, HR, etc.)
  2. Identify the Technology used for each
  3. Make a note of where the associated data is stored
  4. Create a plan for backing it up and testing the process

Most important: review this process regularly because things change!

Justin Shelley has been in love with technology since his father brought home an Apple IIe when he was just 12 years old. But more than technology, Justin loves the world of business and entrepreneurship. As a child, he watched his parents struggle, and eventually lose their first business. Today his passion is helping his clients leverage technology to build their businesses, with the ultimate goal of preventing them from losing everything in the event of a cyber attack.

Cybercrime is everywhere, and class-action lawsuits are following in the wake. This deadly combination is destroying businesses and lives. Justin has a simple formula that will prevent both.


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