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March 29th, 2024

Episode 264-Empowering Voices: Michelle Vinokurov's Autistic Advocacy and Navigating the Professional World

  1. Episode 264-Empowering Voices: Michelle Vinokurov's Autistic Advocacy and Navigating the Professional World Sara Gullihur-Bradford aka SJ Childs 31:55

Discover the world through the eyes of Michelle Vinokurov, an empowering autistic self-advocate and behavior specialist, as she joins us to mark World Autism Awareness Day. Michelle's voice brings an unparalleled depth to our discussion, as she unveils her transformative experiences post-Purdue University Global and her trailblazing work in behavioral analysis. Her blog, The World of Autism, and contributions to the Flutie Foundation and CARD USF, are just a few facets of her dynamic advocacy that you'll get to know. Together, we peel back the layers of what it means to lead with authenticity in the neurodiverse community and the positive ripples that self-advocacy can create.

In the intricate dance of professional life, women with autism often choreograph their own unique movements to navigate their careers. Hear Michelle's personal strategies for self-advocacy in the workplace, from seeking visual aids to championing crystal-clear communication. The episode is not just a narrative; it's a toolkit for fostering an inclusive environment where women on the spectrum can flourish. Through blogs, podcasts, and heartfelt guest stories, we celebrate the power of shared experiences, and the episode culminates in exploring how these connections shape a more inclusive and understanding society for all. Michelle's journey and the broader conversation inspire a future where collaboration and support are the standards, not the exceptions, in advocating for individuals with autism.

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Sara Bradford Podcaster, aka SJ Childs

Sara Bradford is an Autistic woman and advocate and is the CEO of SJ Childs LLC, an autism consulting business to support families. She is a member of the Autism Council of Utah and also the owner of FB Autism Advocates Support Group. She is a mother of 2, and her husband and kids are also on the autism spectrum. She is a Global Autism Speaker, as well as a Podcast Host-The SJ Childs Show Podcast. She continues to strengthen her community through local university and hospital Autism partnerships, police training, corporate autism training programs, and more. Sara is a children's book author, pen name SJ Childs. Subjects such as autism, dyslexia, physical differences, anxiety, and more. Helping children understand themselves and support their peers with neurodiverse needs. Encouraging love and inclusion in every situation.

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