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March 22nd, 2024

Episode 263-From Legal Briefs to Literary Crafts The Chronicles of Life with Reyna Gentin

  1. Episode 263-From Legal Briefs to Literary Crafts The Chronicles of Life with Reyna Gentin Sara Gullihur-Bradford aka SJ Childs 31:13

Have you ever considered abandoning the career you spent years building to chase a dream? That's exactly what Reyna did, trading her lawyer's briefcase for a pen and paper. Embark on an intimate voyage with us as Reyna, a former lawyer with a newfound vocation in writing, divulges the intricacies of her career metamorphosis. Her narrative isn't solely about making a change; it's a celebration of passion and the profound experiences that writing unlocks. We delve into the solitary yet fulfilling life of a writer and how community can be found in unexpected places like writing workshops and classes, underscoring the beauty and bravery in sharing one's work and embracing feedback.

Our exploration doesn't stop at personal transformations. We navigate the varied terrains of a writing career, discussing everything from weaving personal essays into novels to the unique flavor of children's literature. She shares her ambition to piece together interlinked short stories, revealing the hurdles in crafting a woven tapestry of narratives. We unravel the value of feedback from writing classes and workshops, emphasizing the importance of community and constructive criticism for growth. For those standing at the precipice of their own creative endeavors, we offer up our insights on taking that first valiant step into storytelling.

The conversation takes a turn towards the significance of neurodiversity in literature as we discuss Reyna's book that beautifully portrays dyslexia. We reflect on the Moonbeam Children's Book Award her work garnered and the overarching message of empathy and inclusion it champions. Books have a transformative power to shift perspectives and cultivate compassion, and Reyna's work stands as a testament to this truth. Discover the enchanting world of her storytelling, from the allure of her book covers to her dedication to inclusivity, and join us in looking forward to the impactful narratives she has yet to share.

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Sara Bradford Podcaster, aka SJ Childs

Sara Bradford is an Autistic woman and advocate and is the CEO of SJ Childs LLC, an autism consulting business to support families. She is a member of the Autism Council of Utah and also the owner of FB Autism Advocates Support Group. She is a mother of 2, and her husband and kids are also on the autism spectrum. She is a Global Autism Speaker, as well as a Podcast Host-The SJ Childs Show Podcast. She continues to strengthen her community through local university and hospital Autism partnerships, police training, corporate autism training programs, and more. Sara is a children's book author, pen name SJ Childs. Subjects such as autism, dyslexia, physical differences, anxiety, and more. Helping children understand themselves and support their peers with neurodiverse needs. Encouraging love and inclusion in every situation.

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