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October 10th, 2024 Mature Content

Understanding The Five Simple Steps To Achieve Self-Mastery With Utkarsh Narang

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  1. Understanding The Five Simple Steps To Achieve Self-Mastery With Utkarsh Narang Nick McGowan 41:39

“If something were to happen to me today, would I be happy? Would I be fulfilled living the kind of life that I’m living right now?”

In this episode, Nick speaks with Utkarsh Narang to explore the themes of self-mastery, Personal Development, and the importance of deeper conversations. Utkarsh shares his insights as an executive coach, emphasizing the need for awareness, acceptance, and action in the journey of self-discovery. They discuss societal pressures, the superficiality of modern interactions, and the significance of finding one’s values and purpose.

What to listen for:

  • Parenthood can bring unexpected joy and responsibility.
  • Superficial conversations are prevalent in society, and deeper connections are needed.
  • Societal pressures can shape our choices and beliefs about success.
  • Self-reflection is crucial for personal Growth and understanding oneself.
  • Awareness and acceptance are the first steps towards self-mastery.
  • Taking small, intentional actions can lead to significant change.
  • Values play a critical role in guiding our decisions and actions.
  • The journey of self-discovery is ongoing and requires patience.
  • Embracing the challenges of life can lead to personal fulfillment.

“The world is nothing but eight fucking billion perceptions, each one trying to prove that mine is better than yours. It is not.”

  • Everyone’s view is valid, and no one’s perception is inherently superior.
  • Life is about accepting different perspectives, not proving one right over another.
  • Constantly trying to be “right” just breeds tension. What matters is understanding, not competition.
  • Each person is living their own unique version of reality. There is no universal truth.
  • When we stop competing to be “right,” real connections and growth can happen.

“Change is inevitable. Whether I do something about it or not, things are going to change outside of me and inside of me.”

  • Fighting change is pointless—it’s going to happen whether we like it or not.
  • Internal growth happens naturally, just like external changes, whether or not we push for it.
  • Life is always in motion. The more you resist change, the harder it becomes.
  • While you can’t stop change, you do get to choose how you respond to it.
  • Change may feel unsettling, but it’s often where the most growth happens.

“We need to spend 2% of our day—just 28 minutes—connecting with ourselves. Sit with your thoughts. It may be uncomfortable at first, but something will emerge.”

  • Carve out time daily to reconnect with yourself—just 28 minutes can shift everything.
  • Sitting with your thoughts can feel awkward, but that’s where Clarity begins.
  • 28 minutes may seem small, but over time, it compounds into deeper self-awareness.
  • When we create space for stillness, answers and insights naturally bubble to the surface.
  • Consistently making time for reflection helps you tune into your authentic self.

About Utkarsh Narang

Utkarsh is a Learning Consultant, Executive Coach, Facilitator, and Content Creator based in Melbourne, Australia. Over his 16-year career, he has transitioned from being a physiotherapist, and a good one at that, to filming and editing 400 hours of content for a Columbia Business School professor. He has also scaled a startup and led sales, and now, he focuses on helping individuals and teams outperform themselves. Throughout his journey, he has learned to make fear an ally in living a courageous life.

He has a passion for understanding human behavior and uses his diverse experiences to build programs for organizations across the globe. He lives by his 5 core values: Discipline, Excellence, Growth, Freedom, and Love. When he’s not helping others get better, he enjoys working on himself through reading, Meditation, Exercise, and raising his two boys with his wife in Melbourne.


Check out these other episodes about self-acceptance:

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Nick McGowan Podcast Host

I’m on a path toward self-mastery, doing the best I can each day to manage my mindset and emotions and help others do the same.


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