Making connections in the empty nest is more challenging than expected.
Do we need to put ourselves out there more?
Have we done some of the things we thought would help us make connections?
Let’s start in our own neighborhoods-get out there and meet someone.
0:00 Clancy’s Neighborhood Connection Experiment
0:34 Celebrating 2000 downloads!
1:23 Connecting at the Duke Alumni Event
4:45 Challenges of Building Neighborhood Connections
9:04 Navigating Empty Nest with Young Adults
11:25 Importance of Genuine Neighborhood Connections
16:55 Impact of COVID-19 on Social Interactions
22:11 Lack of Connections in Apartment Living
25:40 Overcoming Fears to Make New Connections
30:01 The Value of Genuine Intentions
31:38 Challenge to Make a New Connection
#marriage #recreation #podcast #EmptyNesters #EmptyNesting #Lifeafterkidsleave #Transitiontoanemptynest #Parentingjourney #Reinventingourselves #Newchapterinlife #Emptynestchallenges #Findingpurpose #Rediscoveringhobbies #Relationshipafterkids #Self-discovery #Preparingforanemptynest #Reconnectingasacouple #Growingtogetherafterkidsleave #Familydynamicsafterkidsleave #Supportsystemsforemptynesters #Tipsforsuccessfulemptynesting