80% of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives and for many people, that pain is chronic.
I’m joined today by Exercise Physiologist and lower back pain specialist, Amanda Harris to talk about what makes back pain unique, how we can overcome it, and what we can do to prevent it in the first place.
Amanda HarrisBeing mentored by and actively collaborating with some of the top surgeons, neurologists, manual medicine physicians, and physical therapists in the Mid-Atlantic over the past 25 years has given me a unique perspective on how the human body “should” move and how that movement can also “heal”. By identifying faulty movement patterns, and using gentle movement and exercise to correct them, we can free ourselves from back pain, and go on to live healthy, active lives. I also have a Master’s Degree (M.Ed.) in Exercise Physiology from the University of Virginia, am a certified Medical Exercise Specialist through the Medical Exercise Training Institute in Houston TX, and am a certified RedCord Active Specialist through RedCord International.
Website: re-kinect.com
Youtube: @Re-Kinect
Facebook: @rekinectrvaLower Back Mastery: https://courses.re-kinect.com/Lower-Back
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