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Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: Strategies to Slow Down Aging with Chris Mirabile of NOVOS.

  1. Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: Strategies to Slow Down Aging with Chris Mirabile of NOVOS. Shahid Durrani 25:20

Welcome to Super Entrepreneurs Podcast! I’m your host, Shahid Durrani. In today’s episode, we are thrilled to have Chris Mirabile, a visionary entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of Novos, a cutting-edge human longevity company. Chris has co-founded multiple successful startups, including a commercial Real Estate tech platform with clients managing over half a trillion dollars in assets. Today, we delve into the innovative approach Novos takes to slow down aging by targeting 12 root causes, and explore the Lifestyle changes that can help busy entrepreneurs extend their health span and lifespan. Tune in to discover actionable insights on Diet, stress management, and groundbreaking longevity supplements that can help you stay younger for longer.


Chapter Stamps:

Understanding Stress and Aging (00:00:00): Stress accelerates aging by causing physiological changes such as constricted blood vessels and increased inflammatory molecules.

Importance of Longevity (00:01:00): Recognizing aging as the primary risk factor for chronic illnesses underscores the need to address it for extended healthspan and lifespan.

Exploring the 12 Hallmarks of Aging (00:04:00): Scientists have identified 12 mechanisms driving aging, including mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, and genomic instability.

Dietary Strategies for Longevity (00:07:00): Following a Mediterranean-style diet with tweaks can slow down aging, while factors like calorie intake and intermittent fasting play a role.

Mind-Body Connection and Aging (00:10:00): Practices like Meditation and prayer can help manage stress, promoting better physiological outcomes and longevity.

Practical Steps for Longevity (00:19:00): Lifestyle factors such as stress management, Relationships, Sleep quality, and nutrient intake contribute to slowing down the aging process.

Supplements and Longevity (00:22:00): Longevity supplements, supported by scientific research, can reduce DNA damage and slow down the pace of aging.

Embracing a Longevity Mindset (00:25:00): Adopting a mindset focused on living healthier, longer lives can reduce suffering and promote overall well-being.


Pullout Quotes:

“At NOVOS, our mission is to extend human healthspan, not just lifespan, ensuring people live healthier, more fulfilling lives.” – Chris Mirabile

“The science of aging is rapidly evolving, and we now understand that lifestyle and specific interventions can significantly impact our longevity.” – Chris Mirabile

“We created NOVOS with the vision of addressing the root causes of aging, utilizing cutting-edge research and evidence-based ingredients.” – Chris Mirabile

“Longevity is about improving the quality of life, not just extending the number of years we live.” – Chris Mirabile

“By focusing on cellular health and systemic aging processes, we aim to enhance vitality and well-being at every stage of life.” – Chris Mirabile




Website: https://novoslabs.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slowmyage/ 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrismirabile/ 

X: https://twitter.com/SlowMyAge

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the opinions and perspectives conveyed in this podcast are solely those of our guests and do not necessarily represent the views, ideologies, or principles of Super Entrepreneurs Podcast, its associated entities, or any organizations they represent or are affiliated with. We provide a platform for discussion and exploration, and the content of each episode is understood to be independent expressions from our guests, rather than a reflection of the beliefs held by the podcast or its hosts.

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Shahid Durrani is a dedicated entrepreneur mentor who helps individuals maximize their potential and significantly grow their businesses. He partners with those feeling stagnant in their business ventures, helping them achieve growth and success. Shahid offers a comprehensive program that targets mindset shifts and instills enduring habits to enhance sales and foster fulfillment. His unique approach involves bridging the knowing-doing gap and reprogramming the subconscious mind for wealth and success. With a focus on goal setting and fostering an Elite Entrepreneur self-image, Shahid's work promises transformation, culminating in business super scaling without the stress. Shahid is also the Creator and Host of a top-rated podcast called Super Entrepreneurs Podcast where he interviews world's elite to provide value to both his audience and guests.


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