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July 31st, 2023

The Gifts of Mindcluck with Lena Ehrenberg

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Maria T. FinchThe Gifts of Mindcluck with Lena Ehrenberg
  1. The Gifts of Mindcluck with Lena Ehrenberg Maria T. Finch 33:55

Are you able to recognize the opportunities mindcluck offers?

For a milestone birthday, life and weight coach, Lena Ehrenberg, booked a special hiking trip in France thinking this would be the perfect way to celebrate. Right off the bat, she was met with a huge challenge and found herself sobbing on a curb. Her mind was offering her serious mindcluck when some inner Wisdom kicked in and gave her a choice she had to make in 10 seconds. Tune in to hear what happened! We talk about the power of recognizing mindcluck as a signal that there’s something to pay attention to, often something much deeper, that will ultimately lead to to opportunities for both personal Growth and greater fulfillment. Join us and start using your mindcluck to empower yourself!

What you’ll learn:

  • You can think whatever you want. Read that sentence again!
  • When you feel stuck, and mindcluck is holding you back, consider all of your options—there will always be many options.
  • Manifesting is not believing in something and then waiting for it to come to you, manifesting is opening mind and watching for opportunities you can take action on to create the results you desire.
  • Every time you push yourself, even if it’s only a tiny bit, if you can push through the mindcluck, you will reap the rewards of personal growth.
  • Recognizing and then questioning your mindcluck gives you the opportunity to approach any situation in an empowering way.
  • Mindcluck comes from the beliefs we have about ourselves. Mindcluck is just something you tell yourself. It is not fact. When you understand the belief (sometimes a deep-seated belief) behind the mindcluck, you have the ability to change it to one that serves you well.
  • And so much more!

Connect with Lena:
FB @HaveMoreLove
IG @havemorelove

Maria T. Finch, Intuitive Strategy Guide and host of the Silence the Mindcluck Podcast, works with motivated people

  • who are unsatisfied with one or many aspects of their lives despite their success, and
  • who are ready to make fulfillment and success go hand in hand.

Is this you? Maria will teach you how to silence the mindcluck that leaves you unsatisfied or even miserable despite your success. Maria will guide you to tune into your intuition to create and execute strategies that will shift you from feeling frustrated AF to being the queen or king of your existence.

Book a free strategy session with Maria:

Learn more:

Take the “What the Cluck?” quiz to find out what kind of mindcluck is loudest for you today and get immediate solutions for silencing it today:

Maria T. Finch Inner Intelligence Coach

Maria T. Finch is an Inner Intelligence Coach at Silence the Mindcluck. Mindcluck means what you think it means…the mind chatter everyone experiences that can derail even the best moments. Maria works with high achievers who are unsatisfied in one or many aspects of their lives. She guides them to silence their mindcluck and tune into their inner intelligence to build and execute strategies that shift them from feeling frustrated AF to being the queens or kings of their lives.


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