This is episode 727.
Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.
Read more about the Institute for Excellence in Sales Premier Women in Sales Employer (PWISE) designation and program here.
Purchase Fred Diamond’s best-sellers Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know and Insights for Sales Game Changers now!
Today’s show featured an interview with Natalie Lambert, Founder & Managing Partner at GenEdge Consulting.
Natalie and Juliana Slye will be presenting “AI & The GovBuyer’s Journey: A One-Day Workshop in Practical AI and Buyer Engagement for Public Sector Marketers. on January 28 in Reston, VA. Register here.
NATALIE’S TIP: “It comes down to changing a habit. Whether it is making your home screen Perplexity and not Google to try, what is it like to search with an answers engine versus Google? As you do that, you’re going to see, “If it can do this, it can do this,” and it will start growing on itself. Put that into your daily workflows and see what you get.”