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Ep 148 The Light in the Darkness: A Journey from Addiction to Enlightenment

  1. Ep 148 The Light in the Darkness: A Journey from Addiction to Enlightenment Zen Benefiel, ma, mba, dd 1:06:43

One World in a New World with Stephan Neff – Anaesthetist, Best-selling Author

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How can embracing our personal challenges lead to transformative growth and a more fulfilling life?

In this episode of One World in a New World, host Zen Benefiel welcomes guest Stephan Neff, an anesthetist, sobriety advocate, filmmaker, podcast host, and best-selling author of “My Steps to Sobriety: Living a Fantastic Life Without Alcohol.” Together, they explore the transformative power of adversity and the path from addiction to enlightenment.

Stephan shares his journey from a traumatic gang assault at 17, which led him down a path of martial arts, workaholism, and ultimately alcoholism as a means to escape reality and numb pain. He reflects on how his initial survival mechanism evolved into a destructive pattern of seeking pleasure and avoiding emotional discomfort. Stephan’s turning point came with a life-threatening alcohol addiction that led him to rehab, where he learned to stop running, feel his emotions, and start a journey of healing and growth.

Zen and Stephan discuss the importance of intentional living, the power of vulnerability, and the ripple effect of personal transformation on others. They emphasize the need for ongoing self-discovery and growth, highlighting how Stephan’s journey led him to become a functional medicine specialist and advocate for a holistic approach to health.

The conversation also touches on the evolving understanding of science and medicine, the recognition of alternative healing practices, and the potential for human beings to expand their awareness and embrace a broader reality. They explore the concept of energy, interconnectedness, and the impact of small, consistent changes in creating a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Stephan offers practical advice for listeners, including the importance of sleep, hydration, nutrition, and physical activity. He encourages embracing the hero’s journey, facing trials and tribulations as opportunities for growth, and being open to new experiences and insights.

The episode concludes with a message of hope and empowerment, encouraging listeners to take control of their lives, be intentional in their actions, and contribute to a better world by being better individuals.

Zen Benefiel Possibilities Coagulator

Zen Benefiel is an accomplished author and speaker who holds Masters Degrees from the University of Phoenix in Business Administration and Organizational Development, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and is a Certified Life Coach and Hypnotherapist through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

He helped women and minority-owned businesses garner over $200,000 in micro-loans through Self Employment Loan Fund in 2003-4. He assisted an indigenous coalition in Arizona to garner attention and inclusion in the development of the Steele Indian School Park, a complete turn-around from the Indian westernization facility turned high school built in the 1890s. He managed logistics for large public events drawing over 250,000 patrons in his 30s.

He hosted over 120 television shows in the early 90s, called One World, inviting his guests to explore how we overcome fears and move toward harmony in our personal and professional environments. He also produced a four-host series of community activist shows, focusing on community activists, holistic medicine, youth empowerment, and straight talk on politics.

He has taught business plan development classes part time at the college level for five years, was a production control coordinator in the aerospace industry for five years, responsible for $7 million in monthly shipments, a high school teacher for five years, often in charge of an entire curriculum; and special event manager for ten years with ranges of 5,000 to 250,000 patrons per event. He meets challenge with style and grace as an opportunity to develop successful business and personal relationships, resulting in a highly qualified facilitator.

He currently coaches, consults and facilitates client surveys, customer service, employee involvement, partnering, team building, strategic planning and professional development.

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