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April 17th, 2024

Empathy in Action: Building Bridges for a Better World with Maria Ross

  1. Empathy in Action: Building Bridges for a Better World with Maria Ross Christina Daves 35:22

Maria Ross is an accomplished empathy expert and advocate. She has authored a book on the complexity of empathy, hosts a podcast on the subject, and has delivered a TEDx Talk. Ross has dedicated her career to fostering empathy in the workplace and beyond, drawing from her personal journey of recovery from a ruptured brain aneurysm and her professional experience as a brand strategist.

In this episode, Maria Ross joins Christina to discuss the transformative power of empathy in today’s challenging world. She delves into her personal story, revealing how her near-death experience and recovery significantly shaped her understanding and advocacy for empathy. Maria stresses the critical role empathy plays not only in personal recovery and relationships but also in enhancing business environments and leadership models.

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Christina Daves is a PR Strategist, Lifestyle Expert, and On-Air Host. She regularly appears on morning television in the D.C. area, is the author of two best-selling books, and is a regular keynote speaker helping professionals stop being their industry's best kept secret and taking them from Established to Known™.

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