141 Navigating Hospice Care: Insights from Helen Bauer BSN, RN CHPN In this episode of ‘Hospice Explained,’ host Marie Betcher RN interviews Helen Bauer BSN, RN, CHPN an experienced hospice nurse and founder of Hospice Navigation Services. Together, they explore the critical perspectives caregivers gain through personal experience, the importance of interdisciplinary hospice teams, and demystify underutilized services like chaplains and social workers. Helen also shares details about her business, offering educational sessions to navigate end-of-life care, and provides a poignant story illustrating the value of open conversations about death. Lastly, Helen discusses the human side of hospice care, emphasizing the need for understanding and support for both caregivers and patients. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-000-introduction-to-the-heart-of-hospice/id1139992713?i=1000373575739 https://thewholecarenetwork.com/heart-of-hospice/ 00:00 Introduction to Hospice Explained 00:47 Meet Helen Bower: A Passion for Hospice Care 02:07 The Caregiver’s Perspective 03:34 Navigating Family Dynamics in Caregiving 07:41 The Challenges of Solo Caregiving 09:06 Helen’s Hospice Navigation Services 13:11 The Role of Chaplains and Social Workers in Hospice 16:31 Changing Perspectives on End-of-Life Care 19:32 Inspirational Stories from Hospice Care 21:50 How to Reach Helen Bower 22:44 Conclusion and Call to Action
Finding a Hospice Agency
1. You can use Medicare.gov to help find a hospice agency,
2. choose Find provider
3. Choose Hospice
4. then add your zip code
This should be a list of Hospice Agencies local to you or your loved one.
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