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74. Dr. Christian Frazier – Happiness Triggers Explained: Tools for Lifelong Emotional Wellness

  1. 74. Dr. Christian Frazier - Happiness Triggers Explained: Tools for Lifelong Emotional Wellness Lisa Tickel 1:26:38

In this profound episode, we are joined by Dr. Christian Fraser, an esteemed expert in mental health and happiness triggers. Dr. Fraser shares transformative insights from his extensive experience and research on how happiness triggers can be utilized to enhance mental health and well-being. This conversation delves into the powerful realms of overcoming trauma, fostering Resilience, and the healing power of embracing one’s true self.

About Dr. Christian Fraser:

Christian Fraser is a dynamic expert with a versatile background. He is a Desert Storm Navy Veteran, serving as a life coach, health coach, mentor, mindfulness meditation instructor, a former member of Hillsborough County Zero Suicide Alliance, a former board member of NAMI Hillsborough, and a trained peer recovery specialist. As a trauma education speaker and trainer, he advocates for mental health as a nationally certified mental health first aid instructor and a vital part of the national Changing Minds Now Initiative. Christian brings a wealth of commitment to empowering individuals to overcome obstacles, unlock their true potential, and embark on a journey towards wellness and success.

In This Episode:
– Understanding Happiness Triggers: Dr. Fraser explains the concept of happiness triggers and how they can be strategically used to improve mental health and emotional well-being.
– Journey Through Trauma and Resilience: He shares personal and professional experiences with trauma, detailing how identifying and leveraging happiness triggers can foster Resilience and recovery.
– Practical Tips for Everyday Life: Dr. Fraser offers actionable advice on how to integrate happiness triggers into daily routines to combat stress and anxiety.
– The Role of Self-Discovery in Healing: Insights into how self-awareness and acceptance are crucial for overcoming personal struggles and emotional wounds.
– Building a Resilient Mindset: Tips on how to develop a mindset that embraces challenges and transforms pain into growth and strength.
– Mental Health Advocacy: Learn about Dr. Fraser’s work with various mental health organizations and initiatives highlights the importance of community support and advocacy in mental health.

This episode is essential for anyone interested in mental health, personal growth, and emotional healing. Dr. Fraser’s experiences and insights offer not only inspiration but also practical approaches to dealing with life’s challenges and transforming pain into power.

Dr. Christian Frazier’s contact details:


Book: Unleashing Potential

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Join us on this enlightening journey where profound healing meets practical application in everyday life. Dive deep into the world of happiness triggers with Dr. Christian Fraser on the “Healing & Growing Hand in Hand” podcast and discover how you can unlock your potential for significant personal transformation.

Keywords: Christian Fraser, Mental Health, Happiness Triggers, Overcoming Trauma, Resilience, Emotional Healing, Personal Development, Self-Discovery, Stress Management, Mental Health Advocacy.

Lisa Tickel Podcast Host, Healing & Growing, Hand in Hand
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