Meet Brandan Mays, a United States Marine Corps veteran from Idaho. Coming from a long line of military family members, Brandan’s path to service began with JROTC in high school. Though he initially considered the Army, fate led him to the Marines where he served in logistics. Brandan shares his experiences from deployments, his heartfelt duty on the funeral detail for fallen Marines, and his transition out of the service. Discover the challenges and triumphs veterans face through Brandan’s inspiring story.
Bryan Roof was born in Lancaster, California on April 6, 1981. After graduating High School in 1999, he decided to join the United States Marine Corps in Feb of 2000. He deployed to Kuwait/Iraq in 2003. Bryan was honorably discharged in 2004. He worked in the Aerospace Industry at Northrop Grumman for almost 15 years before being deemed 100% unemployable by the V.A. Bryan Decided to start podcasting in January of 2023 and was voted #3 Best Veteran podcast by Feedspot. He is now the host and co-host to 3 different podcast and enjoys being able to help spread awareness to his fellow brother’s and sister’s. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.