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Couples and Money: Why Alignment Matters


It’s an old joke, but not funny…

Man #1 – “My wife is always bothering me for Money.”
Man #2 – “What does she do with it?”
Man #1 – “How should I know? I never give her any.”

While the above joke may be older than me, it reminds me of how some marriages are.

Richard is still one of my friends from high. He was married to a gal who called me after reading a book I published 25 years ago entitled Couples and Money.

She was very offended by the book’s content which spoke about how the husband and wife need to be aligned in their financial goals, otherwise, the marriage could suffer.

She explained how she had to have her credit card statements mailed to a post office box so Richard would not see them. She was over the limit on her cards and making minimum payments. She was buying things and hiding them from Richard.  Can you find the books you read that you might want to refer back to?

While the book spoke about a solution, she was still offended by the very concept of hiding money from a spouse, which she was doing.

By the way, the marriage ended in divorce just a short time later.

If you and your significant other would like to get on the same page with your finances, I can do that. I have been doing this work with couples for over 40 years.

If you and your partner would like to be working for the same financial and/or business goals, I can support you both.

Just set a 15-minute time on my calendar for a chat to see if it makes sense to work together. If it doesn’t make sense to work together, I will tell you, and there is no charge for the call.

Just click here to set a time to chat: (limit 15 minutes)

Or just contact me to order a copy of Couples and Money.


To Your Prosperity,


The post Couples and Money: Why Alignment Matters first appeared on Rennie Gabriel.

Rennie Gabriel The Financial Coach

After two divorces and a business failure Rennie went from broke at age 50 to multi-millionaire after learning the three secrets of the wealthy (despite failing high school math). Rennie is a TEDx speaker and he now donates 100% of the profits from his books and online programs to rescue dogs and soldiers. His award winning, best-selling book, Wealth On Any Income has been translated into eight languages.


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