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How to Determine if Risks Are Worth Taking

At A Crossroads.You take risks regularly, from backing your car into the street to trying a new restaurant. You only hesitate when your fear of the unknown leads you to focus on the worst that could happen.

I’ve had many Coaching conversations start with, “I need to make a decision.” Yet after describing the options, it’s clear my clients want to take a risk but their speculative fear of loss or their guilt around how others might react freezes their brains.

I often ask, “A year from now, what will you most regret not doing?” They always know the answer. The coaching then focuses on the clarifying both what they most want as an end result and exploring all the possible scenarios that could arise with moving toward what they most desire.

Start with the vision, not the action

When you consider any important decision, start with the end in mind. Flesh out a vision of the job, relationship, or Lifestyle you want to create. Make sure you aren’t taking a risk because you don’t like what you have now. You need to be clear on what you want instead so there is more of a chance you will achieve something better.

When the picture isn’t clear, the uncertainty overshadows the positive possibilities.

On the other hand, your clear picture of what is possible will help you assess if what you gain from taking the risk is greater than the loss of not doing it.

Here are five guidelines to help you determine if your risk is worth taking

  1. Use a sounding board. You can’t trust your protective brain to make the right choices for you; it is better to talk through options with someone who will not be affected by your choice. Working with a coach is better than family or close friends to help you examine your thoughts without injecting their biases.
  2. Notice how your body reacts, either tensing up or relaxing. As you explain the pros and cons of risking, notice how you feel. Is there tension in your body? Does it represent a fear or doubt you are willing to explore? How badly do you want what the risk will give you? Do you sense friction between your fear and desires? When you talk about the reasons you want to make the decision and why it is important to you now, what uplifts your spirits? Your emotions can help thaw your brain freeze.
    Note – Try the Coin Trick. Assign your options to heads or tails. Flip the coin. The moment you see the result, are you disappointed or relieved? The trick might help you uncover what you really want to do.
  1. Catch your “shoulds.” It’s hard to make a decision when you are attached to other people’s opinions. What do you think they will say if you take the risk? Write these statements down to identify your fear of their judgments. How are your shoulds stopping you from moving toward your dreams? You might not take a leap but you might find smaller steps you can take today to move toward your desired future.
  2. Know your why. When you assess the value of your risk, what type of satisfaction do you gain? Is the reason you give for taking the risk important enough to make a few mistakes along the way, or worth it if you have to admit you did something wrong in the past? Twenty years from now, what would you love to tell people about the risk you took and why you did it? Knowing the purpose for moving forward with a clear vision can give you the courage to face your fears.
  3. Be honest about what could go wrong. Don’t ignore hazards. When you look at possible problems, how would you handle them? When I left my last job to start my business, I knew if I failed, I would find another job. Consider bad outcomes, determine the likelihood they will happen, and what you would do next.

If you decide the risk is worth taking, commit to taking a few steps, even if the steps are small. Enjoy what you learn and all the steps you take on your journey will be worthwhile,

Originally Published on

Marcia Reynolds Leadership and Executive Coach

Dr. Marcia Reynolds is passionate about researching, writing about, and teaching people around the world how to engage in powerful conversations that connect, influence, and activate change. From government agencies and large multi-national companies, to coaching schools and programs in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America, she is constantly invited to present on fresh new ways to move forward on the path of coaching mastery.

Marcia is a pioneer in the coaching profession. She was the 5th global president of the International Coaching Federation and inducted into their Circle of Distinction for her many years of service to the global coaching community. She is recognized by Global Gurus as one of the top five coaches in the world. She is the creator of the renowned WBECS program, Breakthrough Coaching.

Interviews and excerpts from her best-selling books have appeared in many places including Fast Company,,, Psychology Today, The Globe and Mail, and The Wall Street Journal and she has appeared in business magazines in Europe, Asia and on ABC World News.

Marcia’s holds a doctorate in organizational psychology and two master’s degrees in learning psychology and communications.


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