As the year draws to a close, I’m thrilled to be able to compile and share this month’s Leadership Development Carnival. In this ‘Best of 2023’ edition, you’ll be treated to the most impactful insights of 21 thought leaders as they offer their favorite articles from the year.
Whether you’re a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, these pages promise to be an invaluable companion on your path to personal and professional Growth.
And you’ll want to dive in immediately… not just for the Wisdom, but also for the free gifts that many contributors are offering. This is just a small way to express our appreciation to you, our loyal readers.
From all of us, happy holidays and best wishes for a new year filled with peace, prosperity, and exceptional leadership!
In the tapestry of leadership, each season plays a vital role in shaping a resilient, effective leader and team. This Christmas, let’s draw inspiration from the ever-changing seasons, using their lessons to guide our leadership journey. As we exchange gifts and share laughter with loved ones, let us also celebrate the gift of leadership—a gift that keeps on giving throughout every season. Connect with Brends on Twitter at @BrendaYoho.
Free E-books and PDF book full of leadership to inspire for the 2024 New Year! Wrapping up with Reading for Free (E-Books and PDF)
Robyn McLeod of Thoughtful Leaders Blog presents Leap out of your comfort zone where she shares that you can choose to stay in your little circle of comfort or choose instead to venture out and hop into the big juicy circle where the magic happens. What magic do you want to create for yourself? Connect with Robyn on Twitter @ThoughtfulLdrs.
The boundary lines between different named generations are a bit fuzzy but the goal should always be to draw the boundary at an event significant enough to create substantial behavior changes in the new generation worthy of consideration in strategy formation. I believe we have arrived at such a point and that it is time for GenZ to cede the top of strategy mountain to a new generation I call Generation AI (GenAI). Connect with Braden on Twitter @innovate.
To help people jump-start their Innovation, change and digital transformation efforts, we are making ten (10) of the more than seventy (70) tools (frameworks, worksheets, etc.) contained in the toolkit available for free. Free Human-Centered Change Tools
Understanding and influencing courageous behavior is an important part of effective leadership and organizational development. When it comes to influencing courage in the workplace, it’s essential to recognize and appreciate the different dimensions that individuals navigate when their courage is activated. Connect with Bill on LinkedIn.
We would love for you to enjoy our Three Buckets of Courage Wallet Card with valuable courage-building leadership tips! Three Buckets of Courage Wallet Card
You know it. They know it. When you’re feeling sick, overwhelmed, stressed out, or burned out, you are not performing at your best. And you’re not enjoying your work as much as you could, either. Unfortunately, work—especially work you love—has a way of becoming the thousand-pound gorilla that pushes aside other pursuits. Connect with Bev on Twitter @BeverlyKay93823.
Work affects employees’ well-being, and their well-being affects their work. How can work get done if your people are not feeling well? Bringing Wellness to a Stressed Out Workforce.
What’s the secret to leaders who build trust and cooperation with their teams? It’s the ability to “go first” and show vulnerability. Here are specific ideas on how to do that. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter @JenniferVMiller.
Our initial impressions of a person’s trustworthiness can set the tone for the entire relationship. In this article, Randy Conley shares insights into how our brains work when deciding to trust and how to avoid the traps that lead us to false conclusions. Connect with Randy on Twitter @RandyConley.
Get a sneak peek at some of the highlights and key principles from Ken Blanchard and Randy Conley’s book, Simple Truths of Leadership: 52 Ways to Be a Servant Leader and Build Trust. Simple Truths of Leadership eBook Summary
Ponder the difference between conflict resolution and conflict management. Conflict resolution means that a conflict is solved, settled, or finalized while managing conflict means it is mediated, handled, and coped with in short, there is an agreement to disagree yet move forward together on areas in common. This is a much-needed skill in today’s contentious environment. The blog provides the tools, tips and how-to’s. Read on! Connect with Diana on Twitter @DianaPMAuthor.
Learn the tools, tips, and “how-tos” for managing conflict in a training or Coaching session. Conflict Management at Your Fingertips
Empathy doesn’t mean getting caught up in people’s emotions and dramas. This post offers ways to develop compassionate and courageous empathy in any conversation. Connect with Marcia on Twitter @marciareynolds.
Download a chapter of my new book to be released January 30. Creating light bulb moments that change minds and lives.
A collection of free resources to help your team bring you better ideas in the new year. Connect with them on Twitter @letsgrowleaders and @davidmdye.
A set of tools to help your team reframe and solve problems. I.D.E.A. Incubator Guide
A positive purpose inspires organizational culture and directs all decisions and actions. It formulates what the organization contributes to the world – what ecological, and social issues you address and what needs you fulfill. The world needs your contribution! Connect with Marcella on Twitter @MarcellaBremer.
If you don’t think that moral character is of incalculable value, you’re not thinking. Connect with Frank on Twitter @FSonnenberg.
Be a role model who inspires greatness in others. FREE Sample: Leadership by Example
The five toxic company culture attributes are: Disrespectful, Non-inclusive, Unethical, Cutthroat, and Abusive. Of these five, feeling disrespected at work has the greatest negative impact on how employees rate their company’s culture in Glassdoor reviews. Connect with Chris on Twitter @SChrisEdmonds.
Receive loads of actionable advice to improve your work culture. Actionable Advice
If you’re focused on achieving your highest potential, you need to set long-term goals for your career. In any situation, goal-setting gives you Clarity and direction, which helps you stay focused. In career planning and strategy, however, goals are the critical piece in helping you achieve personal fulfillment, income and impact, all at once. Connect with Dana on Twitter @DanaTheus.
Get a free ebook of executive coaching tips for personal branding to avoid the most common career mistakes. Personal Brand Coaching Insights.
Authentic leaders align what they think, say, feel, and do by humbly admitting mistakes or acknowledging what they don’t know.
Command and control does not work. What does? Being kind as a leader. Kindness is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Connect with John on Twitter @AwesomelySimple.
Tons of free resources to help you and your business be successful. My resource collection
New manager development is hard work. The benefits to organizations that get it right include strengthened performance, improved engagement and retention, meaningful collaboration, and increased innovation. Unfortunately, many (read: most) organizations are mired in a broken model for new manager development, emphasizing one-and-done training and avoiding longer-range sustained development efforts. Here are seven areas where I see organizations fail at new manager development and what to do about it. Connect with Art on LinkedIn.
Unlock your full career potential with this resource, designed for driven professionals seeking increased earnings, career satisfaction, transformative change, or the pursuit of audacious goals. 18 Actionable Strategies to Accelerate Your Career.
As a leader, you and your team become more effective and successful when you and the people you lead are ACCOUNTABLE. According to Merriam-Webster, accountability is defined as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.” And for leaders, it has a tremendous impact on team performance. Because accountability affects organizational TRUST, internal communications, and ultimately the results you achieve… Connect with Sean on Twitter @leadyourteam.
Find Over 50 FREE Team Building Resources, Teamwork Articles, and Useful Links to Become a More Effective Leader and Build a More Positive and Productive Team Culture. Access to Sean’s Team Leadership TOOLBOX of Resources!
Quick, what’s the single most important skill set for a manager to advance their objectives? Delegation, of course, which is why you’ll find this explanation of the 4 delegation archetypes so useful for yourself, your direct reports, and your company. Connect with Bill on Twitter @BillRingle.
Answer fewer than 10 questions and gain a giant leap in understanding your natural strengths and hidden blind spots when it comes to delegating to grow your people, accomplish your objectives, and advance your career. Discover Your Delegation Archetype
Being an executive leader in a new role comes with big responsibility and a lot of hard work. Our company President and leadership and communications expert, Kate Bushnell, explains that with the right preparation and thoughtful approach to how you lead and communicate in your first 100 days – and year – you can make your first weeks and months ones that recharge, inspire, motivate, and chart the path for great work together to accomplish your goals and strengthen your company’s future. Connect with David on Twitter @ThoughtPartner.
In the spirit of giving, I want to pay it forward by giving away copies of my latest leadership book, “Heart First: Last Leader Lessons from a Year that Changed Everything,” to you or your team as part of my firm’s mission to help make the workplace better. (U.S. only) Heart First: Lasting Leader Lessons From a Year That Changed Everything
In the vast sea of business complexities, the need for a reliable compass cannot be overstated. Enter Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – the navigational tools that help business owners chart their course and make informed decisions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the art of simplifying KPIs and their pivotal role in guiding your business journey. Connect with Jon on Twitter @jonverbeck1.
Here’s a template for a weekly review, along with several other free tools for running your business. Weekly Review Checklist
The post December 2023 Leadership Development Carnival appeared first on Julie Winkle Giulioni.