Happy New Year, friends! A new year, a fresh start is upon us. But before we jump into 2024, let’s refresh ourselves with the topics that resonated with you this past year. What better way to start fast in the new year than to build on what we have already learned together?
It’s not surprising that personal Growth and reaching your full potential were of peak interest in 2023 and are poised to continue to be a priority in 2024.
The following were my 5 most popular blogs in 2023. I hope these posts are helpful pieces to revisit — or delve into for the first time.
God Has a Purpose for Each of Us
CeCe and I are so blessed to be on one of our Bucket List trips this week. I’ve always felt God’s presence when I am in nature and this Alaska experience is second to none for me.
I use this quote all the time when I know I am not doing what I need to do to reach my goals. How do your goals and habits align?
A dear friend and business colleague once roasted me to a large group about my Coaching him on his blind spots. I cried with laughter as he described the pain of these coaching sessions. Frankly, it is painful, yet it is one of the best ways to grow as a person and a professional.
Are We Wearing the Wrong Uniform?
One of the things I’ve seen in working with thousands of companies over the years is that we often dress in the wrong uniforms. I’m not referring to the physical shirts, dresses, pants, or jackets people wear to work. That’s CeCe’s expertise. I’m referring to the imaginary uniforms we put on each morning to appear successful by the measures or behaviors present in our work culture.
We all have these moments. But remember that every wall hit, every energy slump, and every negative thought is just a hurdle in the grit and glory race.
I continue to be amazed at God’s blessings year after year. From reading my weekly #beBetter blog to purchasing and sharing my book Leading with Significance: How to Create a Magnetic People-First Culture, your support blew me away in 2023. Thank you! My heart is filled with gratitude as you have shared the blog and the book with others.
Wishing you a happy and blessed new year and looking forward to sharing more life experiences — good and bad — that might help each of us reach our full potential. Let’s choose a path of significance as we elevate others in our business and personal lives. Be intentional!
Leading with Significance has officially hit the Retail market and is now available at these online locations:
For more information on my presentations or to access my beBetter blog library go to joeyhavens.com.
The post The Best Is Yet To Come appeared first on Joey Havens.