Saturday - July 27th, 2024
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Laughter Prevails Again &Raquo; Unknown 2 Copy 300X163 1

Laughter Prevails Again

Being stranded with two flat tires and following that up with some violent stomach bug — you could say it’s a pretty bad day. Yet, we made the most of it…

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Feeling Lucky? 

Perhaps our so-called ‘lucky charms’ are just life jackets we cling to, when in reality, we are all capable swimmers, just waiting for the right moment to dive in and swim on our own. Source

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Our Perspective Shapes Our Perception &Raquo; Shutterstock 1625099668 1 300X207 1

Our Perspective Shapes Our Perception

As I read my daily devotional, the author used the phrase “diddly squat.” The two words just jumped off the page at me. Just this week, I heard someone else use this term. I will often say, I don’t know diddly squat about that or that doesn’t amount to diddly squat. Diddly squat is an […]

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The Best Is Yet To Come &Raquo; Shutterstock 2344018595 300X205 1

The Best Is Yet To Come

Happy New Year, friends! A new year, a fresh start is upon us. But before we jump into 2024, let’s refresh ourselves with the topics that resonated with you this past year. What better way to start fast in the new year than to build on what we have already learned together?  It’s not surprising […]

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Shopping Takes Grit &Raquo; Unknown 4 E1703631959488 300X219 1

Shopping Takes Grit

Just look at our little warrior grandson, Porter! 😂 This shopping spree was a battle of epic proportions — Porter vs the department store. It’s a drama we’ve all starred in!  (CeCe who gets stronger by the store, has driven me to this point on many occasions.)  Porter, like he’s auditioning for a melodrama, showcases […]

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How To Calm Down Quickly &Raquo; Shutterstock 1702088599 300X200 1

How to Calm Down Quickly

We saw quite the spectacle on the third day of our fly fishing escapade on the mighty Missouri River. Two revelers, clearly having started their party brightly and early, were making quite the ruckus on the boat ramp. One of our newfound friends was clutching an almost empty wine bottle as if it were a […]

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