‘Twas the night before Christmas, etc. etc., and you’re jazzed. Christmas is great! Morning comes, you let the dog out to pee and fix yourself some coffee. Fresh cinnamon buns! Soon it’ll be time to open presents.
You bend down low by the Christmas tree, and there, behind the nicely wrapped boxes and doo-dads, you see…a plain bag full of puzzle pieces? …With YOUR name on it?!
I think you’d immediately face three burning questions:
What a raw deal! Solving this puzzle is undoubtedly possible. But it’ll be tedious, error-ridden, and frustrating. Grinch!
How does this bizzaro Christmas morning dovetail with financial planning? I think a similar puzzle (oooo!) faces many people in their personal finances. Thankfully, though, there are a few better solutions.
First, let’s define the problem.
In general, I notice many individuals and families are unsure if they’ve identified all the essential financial “puzzle pieces” in their lives.
They might have some numbers on paper, and they might know which of their accounts exist. But have they correctly identified what’s most important? Which pieces are missing, and how consequential are those omissions?
Second, they don’t have any semblance of a “solved picture” to go off. What does a “good” financial plan look like? How will they know they’ve “fit their pieces together” properly? What exactly are they solving for?
Much like our disappointing Christmas morning, they have an unmarked bag of financial puzzle pieces and don’t know what to do with them.
But as I mentioned, we have some promising paths forward!
That’s one of the bigger lessons I’ve learned over the past ~9 years (the timeline over which I’ve gone from financial neophyte to DIY investor & semi-informed blogger, then to podcaster and now financial planner):
Some people love solving this puzzle. Others can’t wait to hire an expert to solve it for them.
To each their own. For me? Pass the cinnamon buns. I have some puzzles to solve.
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