Being a new mom can be overwhelming, and keeping track of all the vaccinations and shots that your little one needs can be quite daunting. However, one thing that should not be forgotten is the immunity boost shot, also known as the booster shot.
The immunity boost shot is crucial in helping your baby’s immune system fight against diseases and infections. This shot is usually given after the initial round of vaccines and is meant to reinforce the protection provided by the previous vaccines.
But what happens if you forget to give your child the booster shot? The answer is simple; your child’s immunity will not be as strong as it could be, leaving them vulnerable to diseases and infections.
It is essential to understand that the protection provided by the initial round of vaccines is not permanent. Forgetting to give your child the immunity boost shot can have severe consequences. Your child’s immunity may weaken, leaving them vulnerable to infections that they were previously protected against. This can lead to illnesses and hospitalization, which can be scary and stressful for both you and your baby.
Furthermore, some diseases, such as pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, can be life-threatening for babies. The immunity boost shot is crucial in protecting your baby against such diseases and ensuring that they stay healthy and safe.
Make sure to keep track of all the vaccinations and shots that your child needs and ensure that they receive them. All the necessary booster shots to maintain their immunity against diseases and infections.
Some of the diseases that can be prevented by booster shots include measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and varicella (chickenpox). These illnesses may seem like a thing of the past, but they still pose a risk to children who are not properly vaccinated. For example, measles outbreaks have occurred in recent years in communities with low vaccination rates.
Here is a brief list of when your child needs vaccinations and booster shots for various diseases:
It’s important to follow the recommended vaccine schedule provided by your healthcare provider. As some vaccines may require additional booster shots at different ages or under specific circumstances.
As a parent, it’s important to follow the recommended vaccination schedule and ensure your child receives all necessary booster shots. By doing so, you are not only protecting your child’s health but also contributing to the health of the entire community.
FOUND ME offers a broad range of interactive products – like for example emergency bracelets – all connected to the FOUND ME App. This is where you can set up customized reminders for your child’s vaccinations and booster shots. Set doctor appointments, update your emergency contacts info, and even store medical files like X-rays, etc.
All you need to do is download the app. Activate the bracelet by scanning the QR code, and set up your profile.
FOUND ME will also assist you in case of emergencies or loss. Let’s imagine your son gets lost during a trip to the beach.. He will simply need to show the QR code inside his FOUND ME bracelet to the good samaritan. He will ask for help to. You will immediately be notified along with another 5 emergency contacts. You will be able to start a secure in-app chat with them or also a video chat to reassure. Your loved one you are on your way to reuniting with them.
This same bracelet once scanned can also provide that vital information you might want to share. That could be very important in case of an emergency (allergies, specific medical conditions like autism, blood type, etc…)
FOUND ME APP is designed to be user-friendly, intuitive, and secure as data privacy is FOUND ME a top priority.
So why wait? Sign up today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that with FOUND ME. You can protect everyone and also everything you love!
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The post What Happens if You Forget to Do a Booster Shot to Your Child? appeared first on FOUND ME.
The post What Happens if You Forget to Do a Booster Shot to Your Child? appeared first on FOUND ME.