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Why You Should Consider a Peer to Peer Advisory Group for Personal Growth

peer to peerBenefits of joining a peer to peer advisory group

Joining a peer to peer advisory group can have numerous benefits. Here are some of the most significant advantages of joining such a group:

### 1. New Perspectives

When you join a peer to peer advisory group, you are exposed to different perspectives and ideas. This can help you see things from a new angle, which can be incredibly valuable when you’re trying to solve a problem or make a decision. You’ll also have an opportunity to learn from others’ experiences, which can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

### 2. Accountability

One of the most significant benefits of joining a peer to peer advisory group is accountability. When you’re accountable to others, you’re more likely to follow through on your commitments and goals. Knowing that you’ll have to report your progress to the group can be a powerful motivator.

### 3. Support

Personal growth can be a challenging journey, and it’s essential to have a support system in place. When you join a peer to peer advisory group, you’ll have a group of individuals who are committed to helping you succeed. They’ll be there to offer advice, encouragement, and support when you need it most.

### 4. Networking

Joining a peer to peer advisory group is an excellent way to expand your network. You’ll have an opportunity to meet new people who share your interests and goals. This can lead to new business or career opportunities, as well as new friendships.

### 5. Skill Development

Peer to peer advisory groups are an excellent opportunity to develop new skills. You’ll have an opportunity to learn from others who have expertise in areas where you may be lacking. This can help you develop skills that are essential for personal growth and career advancement.

Peer to peer advisory group statistics

Peer to peer advisory groups have become increasingly popular in recent years. According to a study conducted by the Harvard Business Review, 70% of CEOs belong to a peer to peer advisory group. The study also found that CEOs who belong to a peer to peer advisory group reported higher levels of job satisfaction and were more likely to achieve their goals.

How to find the right peer to peer advisory group for you

Finding the right peer to peer advisory group can be challenging, but it’s essential to take the time to find a group that’s the right fit for you. Here are some tips for finding the right group:

### 1. Define your goals

Before you start looking for a group, it’s essential to define your goals. What do you hope to achieve by joining a peer to peer advisory group? Are you looking for business advice, personal development, or both?

### 2. Conduct research

Once you’ve defined your goals, start researching peer to peer advisory groups in your area. Look for groups that align with your interests and goals. You can also ask for recommendations from friends or colleagues.

### 3. Attend a meeting

Before you commit to a group, attend a meeting to get a sense of the group dynamics and culture. This will help you determine if the group is the right fit for you.

### 4. Consider the cost

Peer to peer advisory groups can be expensive, so it’s essential to consider the cost before joining. Make sure the group’s benefits outweigh the cost.

What to expect from a peer to peer advisory group meeting

Peer to peer advisory group meetings typically include a structured agenda and are led by a facilitator. Here’s what you can expect from a typical meeting:

### 1. Introductions

The meeting will typically start with introductions. Each member will have an opportunity to introduce themselves and share their goals for the meeting.

### 2. Updates

Members will then provide updates on their progress since the last meeting. This is an opportunity for members to report on their progress towards their goals and receive feedback from the group.

### 3. Hot seat

The hot seat is a segment where one member presents a specific problem or challenge they are currently facing. The rest of the group then provides feedback and advice.

### 4. Closing thoughts

The meeting will typically end with closing thoughts from each member. This is an opportunity to reflect on what was discussed during the meeting and share any final thoughts or insights.

Tips for making the most of your peer to peer advisory group experience

If you’re considering joining a peer to peer advisory group, here are some tips for making the most of your experience:

### 1. Be open-minded

It’s essential to be open-minded and receptive to new ideas and perspectives. Remember that the group is made up of individuals with different backgrounds and experiences.

### 2. Be prepared

Come to each meeting prepared with specific goals and challenges you’d like to address. This will help you make the most of your time with the group.

### 3. Participate

Peer to peer advisory groups are designed to be interactive, so it’s essential to participate fully in each meeting. Share your experiences, offer feedback to others, and be an active listener.

### 4. Stay committed

Personal growth takes time and effort, so it’s essential to stay committed to the group and the process. Attend each meeting and follow through on your commitments.

Success stories from peer to peer advisory group members

Peer to peer advisory groups have helped many individuals achieve their goals and lead a more fulfilling life. Here are some success stories from peer to peer advisory group members:

### 1. Increased revenue

A business owner joined a peer to peer advisory group to get advice on how to increase revenue. Through the group’s feedback and advice, the business owner was able to implement new strategies that led to a significant increase in revenue.

### 2. New career opportunities

A member of a peer to peer advisory group was looking for a career change. Through the group’s networking opportunities, the member was able to connect with a new employer and land a job in a new field.

### 3. Improved work-life balance

A member of a peer to peer advisory group was feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Through the group’s support and advice, the member was able to develop new strategies for managing their workload and achieving a better work-life balance.

Conclusion: Is a peer to peer advisory group right for you?

Joining a peer to peer advisory group can be a valuable investment in your personal and professional growth. It offers an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from others’ experiences, and receive feedback and support. If you’re committed to personal growth and are looking for a support system to help you achieve your goals, then a peer to peer advisory group may be right for you.

The post Why You Should Consider a Peer to Peer Advisory Group for Personal Growth appeared first on Business Advisor and Executive Coach | Doug Thorpe.

Small business owners will hit an invisible wall that can stall the growth of the company. The key reason there is a wall is that owners need to shift from manager to leader. The question is, how to do that?

Doug is a coach for CEOs and Senior Leadership Teams with 30 years of leadership experience. He is the president & CEO of Doug Thorpe Group. Doug is also a podcast host.

He helps owners understand the ways they need to reshape their thinking and attitude to make a successful break through the wall.

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