How important do you feel conducting quarterly reviews and evaluations are for your personal and professional Growth? For Small Businesses and entrepreneurs, the right type of evaluation with revisions lays the foundation for future growth and success. It allows us to build on what is working and eliminate or revise what is not.
There was no major in entrepreneurism when I attended college and I didn’t fully realize that I was an entrepreneur until later in my career. I had thought of myself as an entertainer and educator. The process for quarterly reviews and evaluations started creeping in to my schedule as I started hiring part-time assistants and marketing my growing content. At this point in my life and career, those quarterly reviews are an essential part of my yearly schedule.
In this article that accompanies our podcast, we cover the benefits of quarterly reviews, goals and priorities, the quarterly review process, making adjustments and accountability. There is a free download to help you plan or review your unique system.
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