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5 daily 5-minute habits that can help you live longer

We welcome another story from SuperAgingNews Network contributor, a site dedicated to news, ideas and community specifically designed for the Baby Boomer Generation. They have a great line-up of contributors, and we draw on that talent pool to bring you articles and podcasts we know you’ll find engaging. This article is by Goal Setting and Achievement podcaster Anne Bachrach.

Is it possible to extend your years on earth by making small, daily changes that take just minutes per day? According to scientific research, the answer is a resounding yes!  Consider the 5 daily 5-minute habits that can help you live longer, so you can enjoy having your ideal business and ideal life sooner than you might have thought possible.

Being intentional about certain Lifestyle habits can dramatically impact your longevity. Discover five science-backed habits—each taking five minutes or less per day—that have been shown to increase lifespan by up to a decade right now.

Habit #1: Intermittent fasting

You may have heard about the booming popularity of intermittent fasting, which cycles between a period of fasting and non-fasting. Did you know that limiting your eating window to only 10-12 hours (or more) per day can significantly affect longevity?

As cardiologist Dr. Michael Roizen explains, “Fasting for 12 to 14 hours daily has been shown to increase lifespan.” He notes that when we fast, our cells initiate important cellular repair processes and changes that can protect against chronic disease.

The great news is that intermittent fasting takes no extra time out of your day! Simply by finishing dinner earlier, skipping late-night snacks, and delaying breakfast, you naturally create a fasting window in alignment with your Sleep.

Many people ease into this habit by pushing breakfast later each morning until they reach 10-12 hours of overnight fasting. According to one study, fasting, even 1-2 days per week, holds anti-Aging benefits. Talk about easy longevity returns!

Habit #2: Gratitude journaling

You’ve probably heard it said that gratitude is good for the soul. But did you realize it’s also good for your body? Studies show that people who regularly practice gratitude have greater longevity than those focused on Money, status, or achievement.

As psychologist Emiliana Simon-Thomas notes, “Grateful individuals tend to take better care of themselves and engage in more protective health behaviors.” Things like following treatment regimes, getting proper sleep, and making other healthy lifestyle choices.

To reap the most benefits from gratitude journaling, take just 5 minutes per day to write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for. These can be big or small – from cherished Relationships to simple pleasures. Over time, this shifts the brain’s perspective to notice the positive rather than focus on complaints or anxieties.

Adding just 5 minutes of gratitude journaling before bed is a thoughtful act of self-care with the nice perk of potentially adding years to your life!

A gratitude journal is a tool used to write down things you are thankful for on a daily or regular basis. Keeping a gratitude journal has several benefits, including:

  1. Increased positive emotions.
  2. Improved Mental Health.
  3. Better sleep.
  4. Increased resilience.
  5. Improved relationships.
  6. Increased mindfulness.

Overall, keeping a gratitude journal can be a powerful tool for improving your mental and emotional well-being, and enhancing your overall quality of life. (Interested in giving it a try? Feel free to download my complimentary Gratitude Journal Exercise here.)

Habit #3: Breathwork exercises

While it’s easy to overlook proper breathing techniques when life gets hectic, research confirms that simple breathing exercises offer astonishing anti-aging effects. Dr. Naomi Fisher shares, “Controlled breathing has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, improve pulmonary conditions, and even lengthen telomeres” – structures that impact cellular lifespan.

The great news is that multiple studies conclude daily breathing exercises requiring as little as 5-10 minutes can dramatically impact health and longevity over the long term.

One powerful option is a form of yogic alternate nostril breathing called Nadi Shodhana. Sitting comfortably, gently close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale slowly through the left nostril. Then, close the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale through the right. Inhale right, close, exhale left. This completes one cycle; aim for 5-10 rounds.

Set a 5-minute timer to prioritize this daily breathwork ritual. Those few minutes of focused breathing will offer the gift of less Stress and the potential for more years of healthy living.

James Nestor reveals in his book, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, that mastering breathwork daily can transform your health and vitality. By simply focusing on how you breathe, you can unlock hidden energy, boost endurance, and lower stress in ways you never thought possible. Breathwork isn’t just about breathing—it’s about optimizing your body’s oxygen flow, which can lower blood pressure, improve your sleep, and ignite mental Clarity. Nestor shows that daily breathwork is the key to unlocking a calmer mind and a more powerful, resilient body. Why just breathe, when you can breathe better—and thrive?

Habit #4: Time-restricted blue light exposure

Emerging research confirms that excessive blue light exposure from phones, TVs, laptops, and other electronics can accelerate aging on a cellular level and cause premature signs of aging. The workaround? Be strict about your blue light exposure especially the final 2-3 hours before bed.

“Exposure to blue light emitted from electronic devices in the evening can disrupt circadian rhythms and contribute to digital eye strain, which increasingly is linked to damage of ocular tissues,” explains optometrist Dr. Carl Hampson.

Here’s the good news — you don’t have to give up your devices completely after dinner! Apps like Iris or Apple Night Shift mode automatically filter out the most damaging part of the blue light spectrum. Or wear a pair of lightly tinted glasses that have the same effect. By taking 5 minutes to set up these tools that reduce harmful blue light exposure, you invest in supporting eye health and longevity.

Making a habit of putting away electronic devices 2-3 hours before bed also helps cue the body that it’s time to start winding down for sleep, another major longevity factor. So, by modifying your evening blue light exposure, you address two major areas impacting lifespan extension with just a simple 5-minute habit shift.

Habit #5: Walking

Last but certainly not least is the longevity superpower of daily walking. Whether you choose strolls through the neighborhood or incorporate walking meetings into your workday, spending just 5 minutes (or more if possible) walking daily goes a long way. No fancy exercise equipment or gym memberships are required!

According to researcher Tasso J. Rando, “Moderate exercise, including walking, significantly increases mean lifespan across species.” Another study of over 700,000 participants found that regular walking was linked to a 20% reduction in mortality risk among all age groups analyzed.

One way to help ensure you get into a daily walking habit is to make it fun and social. You can organize weekday evening neighborhood walks with friends which becomes great bonding time. Or log steps by catching up on phone calls during a stroll rather than sitting stagnant inside.

The key is finding creative ways to incorporate more movement into your routine. Those 5 daily minutes of walking could mean the difference between a longer, healthier life and cutting years off your lifespan due to sedentary habits.

So, choose one of the five quick longevity-boosting habits to implement today. Whether you extend your nightly fasting window, add a gratitude journaling ritual, devote minutes to conscious breathing, cut off blue light earlier, or squeeze in more steps… Just five minutes can set you on the pathway towards increased lifespan. Who couldn’t use a few more good years?

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5 Daily 5-Minute Habits That Can Help You Live Longer &Raquo; 2

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Hidden home hazards: Indoor air pollution is more dangerous than you think

How a healthy gut boosts longevity, plus tips to get your gut in top shape

Healthspan versus lifespan: The vital role of muscle in successful aging

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always check with your qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns regarding a medical condition.

Our mission is to curate the avalanche of news, research reports, expert advice and other content about longevity and healthy aging, to give our readers a practical blueprint for "getting older without getting old." In a short period of time, we have seen steady audience growth and, in particular, strong growth in our social media presence, which is now generating over 200,000 impressions a month. We offer a mix of original content and links to useful content from a wide range of sources.


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