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Considering hiring a caregiver? Check these essentials first

It’s estimated there are over 60 million family caregivers in North America, and the combination of longevity (more older people) and the desire to continue living at home, or “age in place,” means the caregiver population will continue to grow. In response to this strong trend, there’s been a similar Growth in the home healthcare industry, as more and more people hire trained caregivers to come into the home and provide assistance.

At SuperAging News, we follow this trend closely, and we’re always looking for expert advice that can help our readers deal with Caregiving situations. Sometimes we report on new products and services, like the many home monitoring and communications systems coming on to the market. But we also look for ideas on caregiving options and how to choose the best resources for your needs.

One of the leading providers of home healthcare is Right At Home, with locations across Canada and the USA. In addition to the actual services they provide, which range from companion and personal care to Nursing and specialty care, they’re also experts in helping you look at your own caregiving situation and make informed decisions. So we’ve reached out to them as an information resource, and we’ll be featuring some of their articles and videos.

This is a topic that deserves increased attention and thorough analysis. Regardless of which company you hire, or whether you decide to continue caring for loved ones without bringing in outside resources, we think you’ll find this information helpful and relevant.

We start with the basic question: what are the key things you should consider before you privately hire a caregiver?

First of all, the experts at Right at Home point out that there is a range of responsibilities that come into play when you hire a caregiver. You’re now an employer, and there are legal issues, insurance issues, Security issues and more.

For instance, are you clear on the costs, and how much might be funded from the government or insurance? (Also, is the private caregiver asking for “cash”?) What skills (and references) should you be looking for? What about liability and insurance? What happens if the caregiver gets sick or takes a holiday?

Personality also plays a big role. If they don’t “click” then the situation won’t be enjoyable for your loved one or the caregiver.

These are just some of the topics covered in this comprehensive guide from Right at Home. Be sure to check it out! We think it’s a valuable checklist of factors to consider when hiring a caregiver, a blueprint for your future planning. We’ll plan to bring you more ideas and tips, plus other news and trends about successfully Aging in place.

Considering Hiring A Caregiver? Check These Essentials First &Raquo; Right At Home Horiz

Other stories about home care and aging in place:

How to fund aging in place: There may be more options than you think

Family caregivers control a staggering $6 trillion in annual spending

Driven by technology, in-home care is revolutionizing the entire healthcare system

Can your home be a “control center” for independent living?

Aging in place: Everyone wants to, but how many can?

Only half of 65+ say they’ve talked with loved ones about how to meet their future needs

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always check with your qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns regarding a medical condition.

Our mission is to curate the avalanche of news, research reports, expert advice and other content about longevity and healthy aging, to give our readers a practical blueprint for "getting older without getting old." In a short period of time, we have seen steady audience growth and, in particular, strong growth in our social media presence, which is now generating over 200,000 impressions a month. We offer a mix of original content and links to useful content from a wide range of sources.


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