August 6th, 2024 Corinna Stoeffl
Wisdom! This it a difficult subject. How does one talk about wisdom? Looking up the definition says: the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment, the quality of being wise. I have to say, there is a different wisdom that I gained. Knowing that if I do something, create something based on a past […]
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February 21st, 2023 Faris Aranki
Ooh post-it plus mad scribbles, that’s how you know it’s genius 😉 I love a podcast! Not just listening to them but, even better for me is, being a guest on a podcast to share my story, form connections, sharpen my thinking and generally learn new things. On average I manage to guest on at least one podcast […]
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June 8th, 2021 Stan Goldberg
It is natural to hold onto memories of what gave us joy, whether that involves experiences or images of friends and loved ones. However, when something, such as a chronic illness, makes the images fade, we either adjust to the new reality or pretend the changes haven’t occurred. Originally Published on
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