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Posts Tagged With ‘ Wendy Green ’

Battle of Heart and Head
January 5th, 2023

Wendy – Hey, Boomer What does boxing have to do with your head and your heart? This is an allegory about the battle I was having between my head and my heart. Unlike most of you who were busy making plans for Christmas, I was planning on all the organizing I was going to do in my office, and making plans for Hey, Boomer for the coming year. I was excited about all that I was going to get done because I was not having company for the holiday, and I had very few obligations. I could picture the clean desk I would sit down at, and it filled me with joy. I also realized that over the past several... Continue Reading

January 5th, 2023
Unveiling my Word for 2023
December 22nd, 2022

Wendy – Hey, Boomer What is Your Word for 2023. Here is my review of my words from last year and the word I have chosen for 2023. I have been thinking about how I did “living” the words I chose for 2022. I posted the words on my bulletin board so I would be regularly reminded of them. Mastery MASTERY was one of my words. This is what I wrote about what I wanted to accomplish with Mastery. I am working to master the art and business of podcasting and broadcasting, as well as the social media platforms that will help me grow and market the business. I would give myself a C on this.... Continue Reading

December 22nd, 2022
Fred Rogers and Transitions
December 14th, 2022

Wendy – Hey, Boomer There is a fabulous 13-episode podcast called “Finding Fred.” It tells the story behind the story of the beloved Fred Rogers. The sometimes-radical ideas he presented to Congress, the barriers he broke when he shared a towel with Officer Clemmons, a black policeman on his show. He talked to kids about the war, about disabilities, about being their best self. And all of this he did with such genuine kindness. Check out the podcast if you get a chance. I bring this up, because I came across a Fred Rogers quote that I wanted to share with you today. “Often, when you... Continue Reading

December 14th, 2022
A Perfect Day
November 17th, 2022

Wendy – Hey, Boomer No alarm clock jarring me out of sleep. As I roll over, my cat is waiting for me to wake up. She wants her breakfast. The sun is starting to peak out, and the day is supposed to be beautiful. I am a morning person, and I slide into my slippers, make my way to the kitchen, turn on the coffee maker and get the cat her breakfast.  Once the coffee is ready, I snuggle into the couch for my first sip and pick up the book I am reading. The morning is my time. I glance at my phone to see if any important texts or emails came in while I was sleeping, but the truth is, most emails... Continue Reading

November 17th, 2022
The day in the life of a Poll Worker
November 10th, 2022

Wendy – Hey, Boomer I kept seeing notices on social media and in emails that there was a shortage of poll workers and that some polling places may not be able to open if they did not get enough people signed up. Eventually, I decided it was my civic duty to participate in this election cycle as a poll worker. I really had no idea what to expect, except that it would be a VERY LONG DAY. To become a poll worker in South Carolina, you first submit your application to the SC Election Commission. You must be a registered voter in South Carolina to be a poll manager (which is what they call poll... Continue Reading

November 10th, 2022
You are not dead yet!
November 3rd, 2022

Wendy – Hey, Boomer I attended a funeral the other day, for the wife of a friend. Her daughter gave the most beautiful eulogy. She shared stories with humor and love. She shared gratitude for what she had learned from her mother and for the time they spent together. There was certainly a sense of loss and a sense of recognition for all her mother had given to her family and her community. The family focused on the good in the life of their mother and wife, more than on the grief. It reminded me of another lesson about loss that I learned from a young boy who lived down the street from me. “I... Continue Reading

November 3rd, 2022
Four ways to handle news-induced anxiety
October 20th, 2022

I remember once being introduced to two sisters. Their mother said, “this is the smart one and this is the pretty one.” Both girls were in their early 20’s. These girls had to live up to the images they had been assigned. I have been struggling to write this blog for the past couple of weeks. I believe I have to live up to my image as the positive one, the one who seems to “have it all together.” My persona is encouraging, sharing inspiring stories and encouragement on the Hey, Boomer show, but lately I have found myself feeling more anxious. I have been concerned about the rising prices... Continue Reading

October 20th, 2022
How I Became an Advocate
October 5th, 2022

First for my children, then for women, then for older adults Parental Advocacy We lived in Woodstock, GA. when my daughter, who was in the 8th grade, brought home papers to review for her science test. I started going through the questions Me: Neanderthal man is a humanoid with rickets? WHAT? Sondra: That is what the teacher said. Me: The earth is only 5000 years old. If it were older, it would be covered in solar dust. WHAT?! Sondra: That is what the teacher had on the overhead, Mom. Me (as I am meeting with the principal): Have you ever heard of the Scopes Monkey Trial? The teacher (science teacher!)... Continue Reading

October 5th, 2022
The Elder in the Room
September 22nd, 2022

I was doing some training for a large company this week on time management. The people I was training were in very high stress jobs, and they felt that they had no control over their time because of the demands of the company. I could completely relate to their experience, having been in similar environments myself. During the training, I was able to share some of my experiences and help them have a more wholistic outlook on time. What could they manage at work, and what could they manage outside of work? Could they find 5 minutes in their day to take a short walk and breathe? Could they take 30... Continue Reading

September 22nd, 2022
Learning to be a Grandparent
September 15th, 2022

When I first spoke to Dr. Bob Saul in February of this year, I was very curious about his messages about raising good citizens. My interest expanded after conversations with my teenage grandchildren. In their young lives, they have experienced the pandemic, gun violence in schools, the insurrection on the Capital, and the proliferation of hate and bullying on social media. They were expressing fears about their future. As you may recall from the show I did with Dr. Saul, he is the author of several books including, My Children’s Children: Raising Young Children in the Age of Columbine and Conscious... Continue Reading

September 15th, 2022