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Posts Tagged With ‘ Marc Joseph ’

Do We Really Need to Leave a Legacy?
March 20th, 2024
Do We Really Need To Leave A Legacy? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

In a world filled with fleeting moments and transient experiences, the concept of legacy stands as a testament to the enduring impact individuals can have on society. But do we really need to leave a legacy? According to the Population Reference Bureau, 117 billion members of our species have been born on Earth since the beginning of time. How many of these do you actually remember? Understanding Legacy Legacy, in its simplest form, refers to the mark individuals leave on the world long after they’re gone. It transcends mere material possessions, encompassing the intangible aspects of one’s... Continue Reading

March 20th, 2024
Why is Growing Older So Lonely?
January 24th, 2024
Why Is Growing Older So Lonely? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

Growing older is a natural part of life’s journey, yet for many, it comes with a sense of loneliness. When we were kids, teenagers, and young adults, we often determined our self-worth by the number of friends we had in our circle. As we begin to get older, we may prefer having fewer, but closer friends with more meaningful connections sharing the same hobbies, philosophies, and likes. What do we expect from our relationships as we grow into our baby boomer years and beyond? According to the Perspectives on Psychological Science, older adults’ relationship expectations include: Having opportunities... Continue Reading

January 24th, 2024
Is Giving Back in Our DNA?
December 13th, 2023
Is Giving Back In Our Dna? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

Since the beginning of America, we have been a very giving people. Starting with the Pilgrims in 1630, neighbors relied on each other to survive the harsh winters. The settlers raised each other’s barns, hosted quilting bees for the community, and built common areas in their towns. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most famous American Founding Fathers is also known as the Founding Father of American volunteerism in the late 1700’s. He gathered volunteers to sweep the streets of Philadelphia, organized the nation’s first volunteer fire department, established a voluntary militia, and organized... Continue Reading

December 13th, 2023
Why Do We Have a Teacher’s Crisis?
November 6th, 2023
Why Do We Have A Teacher’s Crisis? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

According to The Washington Post, our teacher shortage has grown 35% in the 37 states they monitor to over 49,000 vacancies. For example, Arizona has 2,890 openings, more than 1,000 from the previous year. West Virginia was missing 1,500 teachers, which is a 50% increase from the previous year. So, what is causing this shortage in such an honorable profession? Exit interviews list reasons such as low pay, poor working conditions, and supervision, lack of support from the community, lack of autonomy, changing curriculum, and rising school violence. Why do teachers become teachers in the first place?... Continue Reading

November 6th, 2023
Retired- Now What?
September 20th, 2023
Retired- Now What? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

According to the United States Census, 1 in 6 people in the United States are 65 and older. That compares to 1 in 20, a hundred years ago back in 1920. Social Security benefits are received by 48.6 million Americans. 10,000 Baby Boomers are turning 65 each day. Introduction Retirement is a significant life transition that marks the end of our professional careers and the beginning of a new phase. For many, it’s a time of excitement and anticipation, but it can also bring about feelings of uncertainty and apprehension. How we handle retirement can greatly impact our quality of life during our... Continue Reading

September 20th, 2023
Why Do Kids Struggle in School? Understanding the Challenges and Finding Solutions
August 4th, 2023
Why Do Kids Struggle In School? Understanding The Challenges And Finding Solutions &Raquo; Marc Joseph

Introduction As parents and educators, we often find ourselves wondering, “Why do kids struggle in school?” This question has been a topic of concern and discussion for generations. Every child is unique, and their struggles in the academic environment can stem from various factors. But a factor that has affected most kids today is the untimely pandemic that kept them out of school. According to the recent release of the Nation’s Report Card the average score of 13-year-olds in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), declined 4 points in reading and 9 points in math comparing... Continue Reading

August 4th, 2023
Why Are Kids Reading Less?
July 10th, 2023
Why Are Kids Reading Less? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

According to UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund), only a third of 10-year-olds globally are able to read and understand a simple written story, which means that 64% are unable to cover the minimum proficiency in reading comprehension. This is up from 52% pre-pandemic. Obviously not going to school during the pandemic interfered with the student’s reading fluency which is fundamental for academic development because the reading you learn in second and third grade is crucial as students read to learn about other subjects as they make their way into later grades. Reading plays a... Continue Reading

July 10th, 2023
Why Divorce Is So Hard on Kids
June 21st, 2023
Why Divorce Is So Hard On Kids &Raquo; Marc Joseph

From 1900-1930, the divorce rate in the USA was 1.1 out of 1,000 Americans. In the 1970’s it was 4, while in the 1980’s it was 5. Baby Boomers became the most divorced generation in USA history. Luckily today in 2022, the rate has dropped to 2.3 per 1,000 Americans. Perhaps the Baby Boomers’ children did learn from the mistakes of their parents. But the impact on all of our kids is the same, no matter what generation experienced divorce in their family. Divorce is a difficult and emotional process for everyone involved, especially for children. When parents decide to end their marriage,... Continue Reading

June 21st, 2023
Boosting Memory in Seniors: Unlock the Secrets to Sharpening Cognitive Function
June 9th, 2023
Boosting Memory In Seniors: Unlock The Secrets To Sharpening Cognitive Function &Raquo; Marc Joseph

My wife and I many times look at each other and say, “Why can’t I remember her name, or where actually did I put down my phone”. Memory loss is a common concern among seniors, and we are always looking for ways to improve our cognitive function and somehow enhance our memory. While some degree of memory decline is a normal part of aging, there are several strategies that seniors can adopt to boost their memory and overall brain health. From adopting a healthy lifestyle to engaging in stimulating activities, let’s explore actionable steps to unlock the secrets of sharpening cognitive function... Continue Reading

June 9th, 2023
Our Fascination with Pets
May 29th, 2023
Our Fascination With Pets &Raquo; Marc Joseph

Every month of the year has pet awareness events. For instance, June is National Adopt a cat month, it is National Zoo and Aquarium Month, and National pet preparedness month. June also has National hug your cat day, International Corgi Day, World Pet Memorial Day, National take your cat to work day, Ugliest dog day and take your dog to work day. Why do we care about animals to give them so much attention? According to Forbes, 65.1 million U.S. households own a dog, 46.5 million households own cats and 11.1 million households own fish. 66% of US households (2/3) own pets. Americans spent $136.8... Continue Reading

May 29th, 2023