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Posts Tagged With ‘ @THRIVE & INSPIRE ’

Retired- Now What?
September 20th, 2023
Retired- Now What? &Raquo; Marc Joseph

According to the United States Census, 1 in 6 people in the United States are 65 and older. That compares to 1 in 20, a hundred years ago back in 1920. Social Security benefits are received by 48.6 million Americans. 10,000 Baby Boomers are turning 65 each day. Introduction Retirement is a significant life transition that marks the end of our professional careers and the beginning of a new phase. For many, it’s a time of excitement and anticipation, but it can also bring about feelings of uncertainty and apprehension. How we handle retirement can greatly impact our quality of life during our... Continue Reading

September 20th, 2023
February 6th, 2023
Dreaming &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Author’s Note: In last week’s post, I shared the words of my sister, Lynn, at my mother’s passing. These are my own. My mother passed away on January 19th. In the weeks leading up to her passing, as she wasted away from dementia, unable to eat or drink, I found myself thinking about dreaming. And I created the two videos that appear in this post. At first, I didn’t know why I was thinking about dreaming or creating videos about it. But I think I do now. My dad was what you might call a presence. (The photo in the post linked here was taken after he was sworn in as First Selectman in Old... Continue Reading

February 6th, 2023
The Gift of Grace
January 30th, 2023
The Gift Of Grace &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Author’s note: While what follows appears in my column, under my byline, I didn’t write it. It was written by my older sister, Lynn. Lynn would tell you she’s not a writer. She’d be wrong. This is the eulogy she delivered at our mother’s funeral on January 26th. I would not have been able to summon such eloquence and poignancy. Given some of the more challenging aspects of our upbringing, I would not have been able to summon such humility and grace. Regular readers of my ravings know I live a life full of blessings. Lynn is chief among them. You’re about to know why. Good Morning Thank... Continue Reading

January 30th, 2023
5 Ways to Develop Kindness Towards Others
November 15th, 2022

Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Unknown Many people appreciate that being kind is synonymous with showing you care about others.  On the other hand, others sneer at kindness in business and express the belief that if you’re too kind, you only set yourself up for others to take advantage of you. In fact, many people often show more kindness to animals than they do to fellow humans. I believe that whether it’s business or life in general, we’re dealing with other humans, thus there are always ways we can show kindness. It is true that in the stressful... Continue Reading

November 15th, 2022
Where Do We Go From Here?
April 12th, 2020
Where Do We Go From Here? &Raquo; Core Thinking

Out of chaos comes clarity. I believe life expresses itself through our experiences, the good and the bad. No matter the extent to which we are stretched, it seems we find the path that will ultimately lead us to safer grounds. Consider what your journey has been up to this point. Have you not overcome, conquered and succeeded to do what was necessary at the time? Perhaps it required some kicking and screaming, or it may have unfolded with a little discomfort. But you learned something, you became more aware, and you now know what choices to make for a better tomorrow. When something happens... Continue Reading

April 12th, 2020
Heroes Among Us
March 24th, 2020
Heroes Among Us &Raquo; Core Thinking

In times of crisis, the best in us will surface. We find something that wells up from deep within, from a place we may have not visited in a while. When we see others in pain, fear and/or suffering, our innate nature of nurture surfaces. We all want this turning point in the history of mankind to show signs of ending. While we wait, our patience is being tested, something extraordinary is happening. Compassion and creativity are merging. In order to keep from boredom, men, women, and children are finding creative ways to share, connect and reach out in ways they have not done before. I see amazing... Continue Reading

March 24th, 2020