Wednesday - September 18th, 2024
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Building Profitable Relationships with Clients and Customers: Dortha Hise

In this insightful conversation between Yvonne A Jones and Dortha Hise, Dortha, a successful solopreneur shares valuable lessons learned from her experience in building her own profitable business in network marketing. The discussion focuses on the importance of building relationships, both with customers and with mentors or coaches who can help you reach your goals. […]

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I Am You &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

I Am You

My name is Daniel. That won’t matter to you because you won’t see me. You’ll pass me by. But you won’t see me. So, my name won’t matter to you any more than I do. But I’m Daniel, nevertheless. Image By Leroy Skalstad From I can’t decide If it’s odd that you don’t see […]

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Hatred Is A Choice &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Hatred Is a Choice

I have a theory. Most of my theories are now buried, layers deep, in the Great Trash Heap of Failed Ideas. But this one seems to possess some merit, to have legs as we say in the marketing biz. Try it on: Ignorance breeds fear, which breeds hatred, which breeds abuse, violence, and sometimes death. […]

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Going Buggy &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Going Buggy

In 2013, the United Nations published a paper called, Edible insects: Future prospects for food and feed security. Since then, as climate-change hysteria has escalated and people have started talking, writing, and worrying about things like cow farts, meatless diets, and how climate change would kill cows, pigs, and sheep anyway, even if they didn’t […]

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It’s About Time &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

It’s About Time

On last week’s Friendship Bench, Eric Zabiegalski led us in a fascinating exploration of what it means to — as is the title of his book — Unthink. During the conversation, Eric mentioned Iain McGilchrist’s notion of betweenness; that is, McGilchrist’s contention that we need to live between the increasingly over-dominant left hemispheres of our […]

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Green With Stupefaction &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Green With Stupefaction

On Thursday, June 14th of this year, I attended the CBIA 2023 Energy & Environment Conference. The EPA, Connecticut’s Department of Energy, NGOs, public utilities, law firms, environmental consulting firms, and other private enterprises were represented. Four themes were prevalent throughout: Green (without being defined) is good. Fossil fuels (without being defined) are bad. The […]

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The Irish Pub And Grill &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

The Irish Pub and Grill

Your friend and mine, Dennis Pitocco, sent me this photo of a watering hole near where he and his wife, Ali, live in Tampa, Florida: People who think Irish pubs and grills are a dime a dozen are most likely correct. But they probably don’t know why there are so many or why they’re called […]

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It Couldn’t Happen Here &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

It Couldn’t Happen Here

I read a press release the other day saying W.C. Fields had been appointed President Biden’s Chief of Staff. When asked what his specific advice was for the President, Mr. Fields said, “Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump.” As it turns out, that seems to have been translated into […]

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Call Me &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Call Me

Why don’t people just call me? I’ll never understand. I wonder that quite often when something that would have been evident to a blindman wearing a blindfold is presented as something revelatory or epiphanic. The latest case in point is a piece from LinkedIn news called, “When office brainstorms go bust”. Here’s the gist: It […]

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Random Thoughts: A Writer’s Notebook &Raquo; Random

Random Thoughts: A Writer’s Notebook

A popular expression says, “Everybody’s got a story.” I’m luckier than most, I have many. This is a collection of them. It’s necessarily incomplete because I’m still on the planet. As long as that remains true, I’ll always have more stories. I hope you enjoy these. CLICK HERE TO GRAB YOUR PERSONAL COPY Originally Published […]

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