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Posts Tagged With ‘ @LIFE & CULTURE ’

Create Balance in Stressful Times with Conscious Heart Connection
May 17th, 2021

Ilene combines more than 50 years in nursing and 25 years in vibration healing to create a holistic approach to clearing energy blocks and promoting healing. She helps an international clientele of heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with fear,self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors, and self-worth issues to experience inner peace self-confidence, empowerment, and clarity about their soul’s purpose. Key Points: All of us have challenges, and how we perceive them and choose to heal them determines our path on this amazing, human journey called life. Ilene Gottlieb... Continue Reading

May 17th, 2021
The Quake
April 5th, 2021

I looked at my cousin, Cynthia, and could see the shock and disbelief in her eyes! The same look was probably reflected in mine. We both wanted to move yet it seemed as if we were glued to the spot. Should we move? Was it over? “What happened?” we seemed to be asking each other with our eyes. We both knew the answer, yet it was if our brains were unable to process it. Unbidden, a word my mother had used many times while I was growing up, came to mind. Her favorite uncle, her father’s brother, Uncle Stanley, had fought in World War I and had returned home, shell-shocked. As a child, I really... Continue Reading

April 5th, 2021
When Will We Wake Up?
January 28th, 2021

I will normally write something inspiring and uplifting that brings a spirit of joy, peace, and happiness. But today, I must diverge and share my thoughts on the state of our world. At this point in my life, I have journeyed where my discernment of what is important and what is not seems to be more refined. Having had many of life’s trials and tribulations, coming through to the other side stronger, I know it is not easy for others to do the same.  With the growth of social media and our minds being malleable to the influence of others, the last few years have created a dangerous path. Within... Continue Reading

January 28th, 2021
The Mountains I Climb
November 29th, 2020
The Mountains I Climb &Raquo; Core Thinking Blueprint Method Eye 900X450 1

As I get older, time speeds up and the world seems to go through its cycles faster and with more precision. By this, I mean, there is predictability among the uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring. History repeats itself, only with more advanced knowledge and instruments, of both the mind and inventions. As humans, we are our greatest gift to each other, and yet we find ourselves our greatest enemy as well. Quite a dichotomy. The climb to the top is an arduous task. Whether it be in the desire to climb Mt. Rushmore or wanting to advance in our career. We must train, in mental agility and physical... Continue Reading

November 29th, 2020
Living a Life with Secrets is Hard to Do
November 17th, 2020
Living A Life With Secrets Is Hard To Do &Raquo; Success Interviews Step Into Their Shoes Eileen

Living a life with secrets is hard to do, especially one filled with hurt, abandonment, and betrayal. What does one do when this becomes too much? Temple Hayes is a world-renowned Difference Maker, Spiritual Leader, Author, International Motivational Speaker, Humanitarian, Life Rights Advocate, Shamanic Practitioner, and President and Founder of life-changing non-profit organizations. She has experienced some of life’s most traumatic events causing her to step fully into her truths that ultimately led to her personal awakening, healing, and teachings of joy, hope, and unity. Watch this interview... Continue Reading

November 17th, 2020
Crappy to Happy Interview Series
October 24th, 2020
Crappy To Happy Interview Series &Raquo; Success Interviews Step Into Their Shoes Eileen

Dominique “Dom” Brightmon, DTM is a certified self-leadership expert with the John Maxwell Team from Baltimore, MD that empowers and equips others to share their stories. In this interview Dom shares his starting point for his life journey helping him get to where he is today and why he has happiness: he reads good books, listens to something that will benefit him, watches something to educate and inspire him, and encourages himself to keep moving forward. Dom suggests you do the same! Having witnessed his dad going through Alzheimer’s and engaging in regular conversations, Dom discovered... Continue Reading

October 24th, 2020
The Understudy = Under Study
September 28th, 2020
The Understudy = Under Study &Raquo; Core Thinking

In acting, an understudy is someone who learns another’s role so they can act as a replacement on short notice. Should the regular actor or actress be unable to appear on stage because of illness, injury, emergencies or death, the understudy takes over the part. The theater manager usually announces the cast change prior to the start of the performance. Life is all a stage…. When I think about this definition and subsequent action for an understudy, I also think about life. What is the analogy? Life is the Master Teacher and to truly get a sense of what life is all about, are we not always... Continue Reading

September 28th, 2020
Impermanence in the Face of Change
September 7th, 2020
Impermanence In The Face Of Change &Raquo; Core Thinking

As we evolve through the human transformation from one state of being to another, change is ever-present. Through many pivots of life as we know it, as penned in history, as in a constant flow towards the future, what we believe to be a permanent fixture, is impermanence. Where we go from here to there has infinite paths from which we can choose to follow. Blindly stumbling along with beliefs and perceptions etched into the surface of the face of the mirror image, invaluable nuggets, and the beckoning call for eyes to be wide open are kept hidden behind the Shakespearean masks. To dive deep,... Continue Reading

September 7th, 2020
The Drumbeat of Time
July 21st, 2020
The Drumbeat Of Time &Raquo; Core Thinking

As we move through the transformation of living, there is a subtleness in the air. If you are still for long enough, you can feel it and sense the sweet aroma of the aftermath. It wafts through the very fabric of life itself….. In… The morning dew, We are permeated By the droplets of The past. For… Is it not the memories, And actions of what We put into movement That forms the creation Of what is yet to come? The… Echoes of the wounded, And the sighs of those Left behind, Bring tears of pain and sorrow Yet, there is hope in The rising sun. I… Know not what the Future holds, Nor do I... Continue Reading

July 21st, 2020
The Way I Want to Believe
June 25th, 2020
The Way I Want To Believe &Raquo; Success Interviews Step Into Their Shoes Eileen

Sometimes we feel different, like we don’t belong in this world. Our connection to the universe is one that goes deep into the soul for contemplation, understanding, and learning. Richard Dugan, born legally blind, and through the efforts of his ophthalmologist 36 years later, he gained enough sight to be able to drive and enjoy life in a way that has inspired his lifelong career. Many of us have a desire to change the world, to bring awareness to what it means to be human. Through his radio show, Tell Me Your Story, Richard has had the privilege of interviewing people from all over the world,... Continue Reading

June 25th, 2020