Sunday - September 29th, 2024
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ideas to ponder

Barbieland vs. The Real World—Lessons for Barbie & Kens

My thanks to my friend Ken for this idea.  If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend it. Our organization took a group of seniors to see it and the reviews were all very positive. It is not a children’s movie, it resonates with adults or at least seniors. This movie sends many […]

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Choice is not an option

 Over time I have heard this over and over again. “Everything is a choice.” This is, of course, true on a very basic level. However, the next line is presented as a stark choice. For example, Do I choose to seek the positive or the negative?  The light or the dark?  To help myself or […]

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Confusion, indecision, and uncertainty

Confusion, indecision, and uncertainty are like mischievous gremlins playing tricks on our minds, taunting us with their tantalizing dance of options. It’s as if they conspire to keep us in a perpetual state of bewilderment, hoping to see us stumble and fumble our way through life’s choices. But fear not, for within this chaos lies […]

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Facing challenges, fear and loss with humour

It’s an absolute law  that every challenge, fear, or loss you encounter bears gifts far more valuable than the price of the trouble they cause. Ah, yes, the absolute law of life, where challenges, fears, and losses are like those little pranksters that show up unannounced at your doorstep. But fret not, my friend, for […]

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Do not make your life a parody of itself.

In her weekly blog, “The Marginalian by Maria Popova” talked about growing older and I thought about what she said and found this question and some ideas on an answer: How can we, as we grow older not make life a parody of itself  if we believe that life is largely a matter of how […]

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Celebrate everyone, but how?

I recently saw a sign that said “Celebrate Everyone” I thought that was a great idea in theory but how do we do that on a practical level. Here are some ideas to celebrate everyone. Let’s celebrate everyone’s unique qualities and quirks! Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, a cat lover or […]

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